Wednesday, May 27, 2015

Just Too Weak Pt 4

Just Too Weak pt 4
Learning Lessons
By Plowjack

Richie awoke in the little cabin where Bonnie had carried him the night before. He was tucked warm in blankets and a sleeping bag, and he was entirely naked. His 16-year old girlfriend was nowhere to be seen, but his mind fell back into memories of their previous night. 

Richie had attended Bonnie’s sweet sixteen party, and had a nice time. He had met her beautiful sister, Judy, and watched as Bonnie’s mother had carried her father around the deck. Finally Bonnie had hoisted him over her shoulder and carried him down here to this little ‘clubhouse’ in the woods behind her house. There she had stripped him and made him eat her, then thrown him on his back and returned the favor. A little haltingly, but with enthusiasm she had given him his first intimate orgasm, while holding him helpless in her big arms. Then she had gathered him against her, and held him helpless until he had gone to sleep. 

“No, no, Richie,” she had teased, as she pressed his arms to his sides, “No sex yet. I want us to go slow, and make sure we know each other well, first.” She crushed his lips under hers, forcing her tongue into his mouth, “That’s what mother says.”

She pressed his face to her big breast, teasing his lips with her hard nipple until he began to suck. “That’s sweet, honey,” she moaned, her hips writhing, “just do that, and let me rock you.” She rocked him gently, as he sucked her bosom, and he remembered falling quietly asleep in her arms.

Now he stretched, then suddenly realized that he had not gone home the previous evening. At 16 years old he was expected to show up every night at his parents’ house. He scrambled out of bed, thinking about what he would say when he called them. He looked around the spacious and well-appointed, but his clothes were nowhere to be found. He was naked and alone, and as he peaked out the door, he saw someone coming through the woods.

Bonnie! He thought, and got ready to jump on her when she came through the door. He waited behind the door, and, as it opened he rushed to throw his arms around Bonnie and try to throw her to the ground. He was a couple inches taller than his jock girlfriend and could sometimes get on top of her for a minute this way.

Instead he slammed into a body taller than his own, and hard as a steel pole. He seemed to just stop cold as his chest collided with the heavy shoulder of Bonnie’s sister Judy. Judy yelled something incoherent and turned to face him. She grabbed his two arms in her hands, and quickly rolled the slender boy over her hip. Her hands crushed his arms as she slammed him hard to the wooden floor of the little room. Her face was angry and dangerous-looking, but then she saw who it was, and she grinned, and went to her knees beside him.

Judy was like a slender, taller version of her younger sister – her face was pretty, lips full, hair red-blonde and cut short over her powerful neck. She was a runner where Bonnie was a hurler, and her limbs were long and lean, but packed with muscle. She was dressed in a little t-shirt and shorts, in pumps with a small heel. Now she put her hands on her slender hips and looked down at Rich as he gasped for breath.

“You better watch yourself, pussy-boy,” she said “Bonnie will be mad if I break your pretty face.”

Judy suddenly allowed herself to fall forward, slamming her chest into his with her whole upper body’s weight, again driving the air out of him.

“Pretty lips, boy,” she said, and planted a hard, hot kiss on his mouth. He protested incoherently as her tongue explored his, and he tried to squirm out from under her broad shoulders. She wrapped her arms around his shoulders and squeezed them in the crook of her arms, pulling him down under her as she crushed his lips. His shoulders felt like they were caught in a vice as she controlled him, and he stopped struggling. He had learned with Bonnie that it was best to just let her play with him when she wanted – struggling only led to bruises. So he went quiet in the big woman’s arms. In a few seconds he was responding to her hot lips.

Judy drew her pretty face back from his, leaving his mouth open beneath her, and crushed his body to hers in her hold. She didn’t have a padded chest like her sister – Rich felt like he was being pressed against a wall. He let his arms gently rise to run his hands over Judy’s back, and felt it rippling as she squeezed him.

“That’s nice, Richie,” Judy purred, as he softly rested his hands on her shoulders. “You submitted in about a minute.”

“Submitted?!” Richie protested, softly, but he didn’t show any resistance as she raised herself on her elbows over him, her hands under his shoulders.

“Are you confused about that, Richie?” she said, and wrapped her long fingers around his shoulders. She began massaging his shoulder muscles, her fingers digging deep into his flesh. “You submit to Bonnie all the time, don’t you?” She squeezed his slender shoulders hard enough that he had to squirm in her hands, but she spoke sharply, “Don’t you resist me, you little punk” and pinched his flesh hard between her thumb and fingers.

Richie moaned sharply but let his hands fall from her shoulders, lying motionless in her grip.

“That’s right, boy, just like your big strong Bonnie taught you,” said his girlfriend’s older sister, as she smirked down at him. She got up to her hands and knees over him, naked beneath her. He realized his cock was hard and he felt himself blush hot as he put his hands over himself, and rolled over a little under her. Judy began to laugh loud, then stood up and went to the door of the cabin. She opened it and said “Come on in sweetie.”

Bonnie came in, carrying a box; She was dressed in a simple black kaftan that more or less hid her body, though her breasts swung slowly against the front of the light fabric as she moved. She set the box aside on a table and said, “What’s going on here?” as she walked over to Richie where he lay on the floor. “Get up, Richie, right now!” she said, and grabbed his arm, hauling him to his feet. Richie’s arm was being crushed in her grip as she pulled his face close to hers and said, “Were you making out with my sister?” She released his arm and pulled his face to hers, pressing her lips against his ear. She grabbed his naked cock and said “Don’t you ever get hard for anyone unless I say you can,” she worked his dick, making it rise to its full strength. “This is mine, you little piece of candy, isn’t it?” she said, looking over his shoulder at her sister, grinning.

Richie’s head was spinning. Last night he had spent the night being used and taught by his younger girlfriend, her jock muscle dominating his slender body, as they gave each other brand-new pleasures. They had played orally and in every way except all the way, and when he had been allowed to sleep he had been full of delight and warmth. Now he was naked in front of her and her sister, feeling weak and humiliated by Bonnie’s anger and strength as she walked him over to the bed. Her grip on his swollen cock wasn’t sensual - she was pushing him along by it, her hand squeezing his upper arm painfully.

Richie shuffled along at the strong girl’s bidding, until she shoved him into the big overstuffed chair in the corner where they had had a lot of their fun the night before. She pushed him down, releasing him, and he bounced into the seat, his cock bobbing. He started to put his hands down between his legs, but Bonnie sat on the arm of the chair and swiftly snagged one wrist then pulled the arm up over Richie’s head, stretching his shoulder. Richie looked ay her, to see her grinning sweetly the way she did when they were making out, so he started to fight with her a little, the way he knew she liked. He forgot about covering himself and used his other hand to try to push the thick girl off the arm of the chair, but he couldn’t budge her from his awkward position, and she just captured his other wrist and brought his wrists together in her double grip. They both knew he could struggle as long as he wanted in this position and not be able to escape.

Judy had gotten up and poured herself some coffee from the carafe in the box. She had gotten a little excited getting her hands on the soft high school boy, now she watched as her sister easily dominated and overpowered him, and she felt herself grow warm between the thighs. She was sipping her coffee when Bonnie stood up and pulled both the boy’s wrists over his head as she leaned back against the wall.

“Isn’t he cute, Judy?” she said stretching his arms and giggling as he giggled a little with her.
“C’mon Bonnie – you’re such a bully…” he whined, a joke between them. His nice member was deflating a little now as she played with him.
Judy liked what she saw – Richie had been working out, lifting what weights his small muscles could manage, and he was well-shaped, with broad shoulders and a narrow waist. His long body was slender and soft, of course, but he did have lovely blue eyes and full lips.

“He’s gorgeous, sweety – and weak as a kitten,” Judy said “I threw him around and almost crushed him, and it only made him scared and horny.”
“I know, he’s a total wimp for my muscles,” she replied. Bonnie released Richie’s wrists and slid down onto the arm of the chair. Richie’s arms shot out and he pulled himself against her warm body, pressing his face to the side of her big bosom as her arm went around his neck, gently headlocking him against her. The side of her kaftan was open and Richie found a patch of bare flesh to kiss and lick.
“See, he’s such a nice baby,” she cooed, releasing his head. Richie covered himself a little by pressing up against Bonnie’s leg, his cock swelling again as he kissed her skin. Bonnie shook her kaftan back, revealing the arm that wasn’t headlocking the boy, and she flexed her biceps a few times in front of him.

Richie simply loved being pressed against his girlfriend’s strong body. She had a nice layer of padding over her thick muscle, and she was warm and soft even as she made him feel like a dishrag in her hands. He kissed her skin, then cupped the big breast, lifting it to perfect roundness and kissing the side through the garment. Richie looked up as she flexed her big arm. Bonnie’s muscles were pretty huge. She didn’t have bodybuilder cuts and rips, but her arm swelled by half as she pumped her highly developed biceps. Richie instantly cupped her biceps in his hand – he loved to feel it flex and swell. The muscle easily filled his hand, and he squeezed as she flexed again, feeling a rock hard peak rise.

“Wow, Bonnie,” Judy exclaimed. She was nearly squirming in her seat as she watched her sister’s boyfriend respond to her muscular body. “He really likes it, doesn’t he?” Judy said, as she sauntered over to the chair and sat down on the other arm.
“You’ve really been hitting the gym, haven’t you sis?” Judy asked as she pulled up her own short sleeve. Judy’s arm was like a mass of cables, not thin like some runners, but thick without an ounce of fat. Bonnie raised her arm, shaking off the boy’s hand, and flexed again, her arm swelling to a boulder of hard flesh “You bet your ass, skinny girl,” Bonnie said, chuckling, “This little guy gets so excited watching me lift heavy, and the bigger and harder I get, the more he seems to like it.”

“You better believe it, baby,” Richie muttered as he ran his hand over her chest, the other arm around her neck, as he pulled himself to her. She released his neck and wrapped her arm around his back, squeezing his slender torso to her. She quickly unzipped her kaftan and pulled it back to reveal one of her double-d cupped sixteen-year-old breasts, which Richie immediately began to suck as he caressed the thick slabs of her powerful chest. “You’re so beautiful and strong, Bonnie,” Richie moaned, as he pressed his hard cock against her leg and sucked her big nipple.

“Geez, Bonnie, put that big thing away,” Judy chuckled and made as though to shield her eyes from Bonnie’s abundant chest.
“Like you haven’t seen ‘em before honey,” Bonnie said, and arched her back, causing her robe to fall away and reveal her whole broad bosom, “You’re just jealous, Olive Oyl,” Bonnie teased, and took Richie by the hair to press his face hard into the flesh of her breast.
Judy smirked down at the boy as he nuzzled and sighed, then flexed her own arm. Bonnie was used to seeing her sister’s powerful muscles, and she admired the round, lemon-sized knot of stony muscle that crowned her arm. Her triceps swelled like horseshoes as she flexed a few times, and her forearm popped and hardened visibly into cords and carved flesh. With a few flexes a visible peaking knob of muscle popped in the top of her bicep.
“But you still have little girl arms, little sis,” Judy said, flexing again as the muscles in her chest and shoulder popped and rippled.

Richie was pressed into the dark, hot flesh of Bonnie’s breast, which was as big as his face, and was having trouble breathing. He moaned and caressed Bonnie’s arm, and she took their usual signal to pull his head away, by the hair, from her nipple.
“What’s wrong baby, too much?” she said, and pulled his face up to hers for a kiss. Richie just sighed and hungrily pressed himself to her lips. “Look at that, Richie,” she said, and released his hair. Richie turned his head to see Judy’s arm pop into a double-layer peak of iron flesh.
“Judy’s my hero, Richie – she’s the strongest woman I know besides our Mom – you wanna feel her arm, Richie?”
Richie didn’t bother answering, just made a little moan and reached up to the older girl’s arm. He wrapped his fingers part-way around the thickest point and squeezed, but Judy’s flesh didn’t give more than a bit. He fingered her biceps, and she pumped again, adding a little hardness. 

Judy watched Richie’s face as he played with her flexed arm. His eyes were glazed and his lips moist, even as his cheek settled back against Bonnie’s soft chest.
“You really like that, Richie, don’t you,” Judy said, and leaned over to begin flexing her other arm for him. Bonnie smiled, and said “He really likes it.” She continued, “don’t you, baby?”
“Amazing,” was all Richie could get out, then, “you must be sooo strong, Judy.” He looked up at Bonnie and smiled, “Yours is bigger though.”

Bonnie whooped and pointed at her sister, “You bet your ass mine’s bigger!” she crowed, pumping her right arm. Judy frowned and snatched Richie’s wrist. She stood up and dragged him away from Bonnie, pulling him to his feet. “Hey!” he yelled, and so did Bonnie, though she was laughing. She slapped his ass hard as Judy dragged him toward the little table and chairs.
“Hey, shut up, boy,” the older girl commanded, “Bonnie, have you told him the rules yet?”
“Oh Judy, you see how docile he is.”
Richie shook himself suddenly out of Judy’s grip and turned to Bonnie, “Docile?!” he actually yelled, “Bonnie, Don’t say that about me…” He whirled on Judy, “And don’t tell me to shut up.” 

Judy smacked him so hard and fast that he never saw it coming. She turned his head with the force of her blow, and then mayhem broke out. Bonnie leaped to put her arms around Richie and pull him away, as Richie yelled angrily even as a sob mixed with his cursing.

“Judy – wait outside” Bonnie said quietly. Richie was trying to escape Bonnie’s grip, but she was wrapping him in her arms and soon he couldn’t really move his arms. 
“Let me go” he demanded, overcome as always by her strength. Bonnie’s head came up to his nose, and he was trapped in the iron ring of her grip. He was still naked, still crushed against the lush body of his young lover. She bounced her hips against his a few times, and she felt his dick swell against her. Suddenly she shifted her grip and wrapped one arm under his ass, lifting him a foot off of the floor. With a few strides she was at the big chair, and this time she sat herself down, swinging Richie’s slender frame into her lap, still held fast in her arms.
“I won’t be letting you go, Richie,” she purred, kissing his shoulder, “I think I’ll be keeping you.” She brushed his hands away and took his cock and balls in one hand, then slid him down and locked his neck in her other arm. “See, there,” she purred in his ear, “I’ve got you.”

Richie remembered that he was angry, but he felt overwhelmed and helpless in his sweetheart’s arms. She was his sweetheart! He loved her, her strength and beauty, even her fun games – and they hadn’t even had real sex yet! 
“Bonnie, I love you!” he blurted out, as his cock and balls were squeezed gently. Bonnie kissed him deeply but gently, and he felt her tighten her grip on him, making his cock swell a little.
“And I love you, Richie,” Bonnie answered, “and this is a special time for me – for us. I want you to listen to me now, Richie, this is very important. You know you’re my soft little sweetie, right?” she asked, giving his lips a gently lick and kiss. Richie made some indistinct noise, and Bonnie drew her head back, a stern look on her face. Her hand gripped his balls tight, almost painfully, and she lifted him a little in her arm as she squeezed his neck in the hard crook of her arm. She said, “You are my soft little sweetie, right?”

Richie was running his hands over Bonnie’s arms. He liked to squeeze her forearm as she did something like work his cock, loved the rippling cords of muscle in them. He got the wrist of the arm around her neck in his and pulled at it, making a token effort to resist. Richie’s heart opened up wide, or broke, as he realized that he didn’t have a chance of escaping her, and he sighed, “Yes, I’m your soft little sweetie, Bonnie, you big bully…”

She chuckled, and used a little of her strength to resist his puny efforts to move her arms.
“For this weekend, Richie, you have rules.”
“What do you mean rules” Bonnie squeezed his balls hard, making him gasp.
“Rules, sissy-boy! They’re simple – you must do whatever any woman says, you will wear no clothes but what we give you, and you will only come when I tell you that you may.”
“What? That’s crazy!” Richie whined, but he didn’t dare really try to get away – Bonnie’s steel-clamp grip on his manhood was too convincing.
“Shut up, boy,” Bonnie said, quietly.
“Don’t tell me, aaahh!!”
“You must do exactly as a woman tells you, boy, understand?” Again her fingers worked their way around one of his nuts.
“Yes, Bonnie,” Richie whispered.
“See Richie, my Mom has made all the arrangements with your family – you’re off on a weekend in the country with people of good reputation. We’ve put your clothes away, so you’re my best birthday gift, my favorite, favorite toy. But you’ll get so much out of it, and so will I…” Bonnie once again unzipped her robe, and pulled his face to her nipple.

Richie’s mind was mush, as his lover’s body so often rendered it. There was nothing he wanted more than to take her big pink nipple in his mouth as she squeezed and lightly tortured his cock. 
As he relaxed into her huge chest she said, “So, Richie, you have to do what Judy tells you too, or my Mom, or any other woman while you’re here. If you don’t I’ll punish you, Richie. We won’t do this all the time, but this is still my birthday party, and I’m making the rules. Say ‘yes Bonnie, I’ll obey you’”
Richie barely knew he was answering, as he caressed the hard slabs of Bonnie’s chest and sucked as much of her breast as he could into his mouth, but he lifted his lips and sighed out the answer Bonnie wanted.
“You’ll see, baby, it’s sweet to be a strong girl’s little boy. Hey Judy – come back in, please!”

The door opened and Judy walked back in, not looking very happy.
“You know, Judy, if you hadn’t come in here and tried to make time with my boy, this wouldn’t have happened – he didn’t even know the rules, or understand how this would be.”
“You had all night, you know,” Judy said sharply as she walked over to stand over them.
“Aw, look at him Judy,” she answered, pressing Richie’s face into her breast so he didn’t have to look at Judy yet. “He’s my total little sweetie – I’ve never had to hit him, not even once, and you hurt him right away. Anyway, he understands the rules now, don’t you honey?”
“Yes Bonnie.”
“What are the rules, pussy?”
“Don’t call me that!” Richie said, reflexively, then gasped and moaned as Bonnie nearly crushed his balls.
“Never talk back, my pussy,” Bonnie growled. “Now stand up in front of Judy.”

Grateful to be free of the threat of her grip, Richie levered himself out of the big chair to stand before the tall woman. He was still stark naked in front of these women, but his cock drooped a little from the torture and confusion. Judy stepped up with her chest nearly touching his – she was far from flat, probably a full b-cup rather than Bonnie’s overdeveloped bosom and he saw that she was braless, her nipples hard, almost touching his skin.
“Tell me the rules,” she growled.
“Always obey any woman, wear no clothes and do not come unless Bonnie allows me to.” Richie said, low but clear. Judy’s eyes were maybe an inch higher than his own and he found the courage to gaze plainly into them, though his eyes drifted to Judy’s soft, red lips.
“Good. The women around here are all like Bonnie, you know. We’re all strong, we’re all smart, and we all enjoy having a man helpless in our grasp. Bonnie and I grew up watching our Mom use our Dad for her pleasure, even though they made decisions together and always respected one another. But Mom’s just so big and strong that it’s obvious she’s the dominant partner in the marriage and, as we’ve learned, in the bedroom. Ever since Bonnie turned thirteen or so Mom’s been helping her get strong, and teaching her this and that about what to do with a man.”

Richie felt Bonnie’s arms snaking around him from the back.
“I’m finally starting to practice something besides breaking boy’s faces, too,” she said, as she took Richie’s nipples in her fingers. “Hold still and don’t make a sound, sweetie,” she said, and began to twist and pinch his tits.
“Does she do that a lot, pussy?” Judy asked, Bonnie whispered that he could answer, and he whispered yes.
“Do you try to stop her?” Richie blushed bright red, and mumbled. Judy lightly slapped the side of his face, carefully patting the red spot she had made, “Do you?”
“Not any more, Judy,” he answered, letting his hands rise to run over her forearms “She’s too strong…”
“Let’s see if he can do it, Judy,” Bonnie said. Judy reached down and took Richie’s cock in one hand. With a few squeezes she brought it to solid attention, then asked, “Are you allowed to come, boy?”
“Bonnie, am I allowed to come?” Richie asked, bring a chuckle from the girls at his cleverness.
“No, sweetie; I want you hard and purple while we look at your muscles.”
“Bonnie, I approve of the hardware – he’s got nice equipment. Is he real weak?”
“He’s very weak – I found him when I noticed how little weight he could lift.”
“Flex your left arm, boy,” Judy commanded, and Richie raised his arm, making a muscle and pumping it a few times. His mouth opened, tongue licking his lips as the girls worked his nipples and cock. Suddenly he whimpered loudly, his hips bucking.
Judy caressed his arm. She smiled gently as she felt a small, hard swelling of bicep, and a little thickness at the triceps. 
“So he’s actually been to the gym…”
“It’s so cute, watching him try to lift his little weights” Bonnie said, and ran her own hand over Richie’s little arm, “his little body just doesn’t grow much muscle. Feel how soft that is…”

Richie felt Judy’s cable-like fingers tighten around his arm. Bonnie often crushed his arms and legs in her hands, sighing and giggling, and it seeming to get her hot. Judy flexed her fingers and said. “Flex hard, boy.” Richie flexed as hard as he could, but gasped in pain as Judy bruisingly smashed his biceps in her hand. She took his little knot of muscle between her thumb and forefinger and shook it, making it wiggle like jelly as his arm went limp.
“Don’t you dare try to get away,” Judy said, and pressed her fingers down into his soft flesh again. “Now let’s see your right arm.”
Richie’s right arm was actually bigger and harder than his left. Judy put her hand over his bicep and gently squeezed. “It’s so funny… there are a lot of guys with no real muscle at all. This is just nothing, boy.” Judy tightened her hand, seemingly casually, and Richie felt his biceps deflate like a sponge. He gasped aloud again, and he heard Bonnie growl in his ear – “What did I tell you”

For the next few minutes Bonnie restrained Richie while her big sister played with his body. Bonnie pulled his smashed arms back, pressing his back against her chest. She worked her way up his arms, pulling him tighter and tighter across her breasts, stretching his chest and shoulders as Judy kneaded his muscles. He felt like an animal being evaluated, but Judy kept his cock stiff, and Bonnie’s hot mouth was pressed to his neck.

Judy stepped up to him and renewed a sensual grip on his member, as Bonnie released him. She stayed behind him, pressed against him as Judy raised her other arm and flexed.
“Kiss that, boy,” she ordered, and Richie quickly obeyed, pressing his lips to the silk-over-steel flesh of her biceps. 
The girls heard a certain sort of gasp from Richie, one that Judy, at least recognized. 
“Don’t you come, you little pussy,” she growled, as she worked his cock. She flexed her arm again, making that second peak pop under Richie’s lips, and Richie grunted, his knees buckling. Bonnie caught him under the arms as Judy held him up by the spurting cock. He found his feet and pressed up into her hand, groaning and spurting.

“He failed, Bonnie” Judy said.
“He sure did, the little weakling,” Bonnie said. She dragged him over to the bed and sat down on the edge. Handling Richie’s slender body easily, she flipped him over her thighs. One hand in his hair she pushed his head down, exposing his little white ass. She noticed his cock was still throbbing and she caught it between her thighs, pressing his ass down onto her, then immediately giving it a hard, open-handed smack.

“You didn’t follow the rules!” Bonnie spit, each word punctuated by a stinging slap on Richie’s ass.
“You never come unless I tell you” she spanked into him, then again…
“You… never… come… unless… I… tell… you…” one strike per word, and again, “You never come unless I tell you.”
Richie was screaming and squirming, as Bonnie threw one leg over his legs, trapping his lower body as she pressed his head toward the floor and punished his butt. Soon his buttocks were red, and he had stopped resisting. He clung to the wrist that held his hair with both hands and sobbed. Bonnie stopped the spanking and massaged his butt, squeezing and toying with the jellied flesh. She opened her legs and pushed him to the floor.

“What’s the rule, Richie?” Bonnie said, her voice strong and cold.
Richie’s voice quietly intoned “I never come unless you tell me.”
“Don’t make me punish you again, sweetie.”
“Yes, Bonnie”

“Would you like some coffee, Richie?” Judy asked. Richie pushed himself up on his hands, his ass still burning and his cock still hot and steaming. His mind, once again, was a disordered jumble, his body a trembling puppet that he tried to bring under his own control. He got to his knees, but he could not raise his eyes. Tears flowed and he couldn’t contain his sobs.
“Don’t be a pussy, Richie,” Judy said, bringing him the hot mug. “You failed and you were punished. You can’t be as weak in your cock as you are in your arms, or Bonnie will grind you up like hamburger.”
“But…” he stopped and looked toward his girlfriend for permission. She nodded and blew a kiss, while she flexed the hand that had beaten his ass. “You made me come… it wasn’t my fault…”
“That’s right – Bonnie needs you to be stronger than that. Your body is so sweet and soft, you need to have a strong heart, a strong manhood.”
“Mom says that boys your age can get hard over and over… can you?”
“I feel like I’m still half hard now,” the boy replied.
“Why don’t you make me come, sweetie – come put your face into my pussy.” Bonnie raised her robe and spread her legs, showing a dripping pussy that seemed to open and shut a little as she flexed her hips.
Richie, sat back on his knees a moment, still confused, but Judy said “Cripes, kid, do what she says!”

Richie crawled to Bonnie and plunged his face into her big, soft womanhood. Last night he had probably made her come a half-dozen times, and he lapped and sucked. He had discovered that he loved this – loved being under his woman, making her writhe and moan. By the time Bonnie roared and plunged with her orgasm Richie was, in fact, pretty hard again. Richie climbed forward to rest his head on Bonnie’s belly, massaging her huge thighs with his hands, his hips vaguely thrusting into the air.

“Breakfast, Kids,” Judy laughed. While they had played she had set out the boxful of bread, cheese, hot coffee and fruit. Bonnie stood and helped Richie to his feet. She put an arm around his shaky body and kissed him sweetly. She reached behind the chair and pulled out a small strip of black cloth.
“Why don’t you wear this, baby,” she said. Richie wrapped the strip around his waist – it tied into a little skirt that hung maybe 3 or 4 inches below his dick, but it gave him something to sit on as he found a place at the table. He still couldn’t raise his eyes to meet the girl’s gaze – until Bonnie took his chin and raised it to look him in the eye. She played with his lips a bit, and leaned over to kiss him. 
“Never disobey me when we’re playing, Richie – I could beat you senseless if I needed too, but you’re so handsome and sweet – please, be my boy.”
“I’m your boy, Bonnie – please don’t hurt me.”
“Are you docile now, boy?” Judy asked
“What?” Richie said.
“I asked whether Bonnie has made you docile now – submissive, obedient, pliant.”
Moment of silence was followed by Richie quietly saying “Yes Judy.”

They ate in silence for a while, both girls occasionally reaching over to caress Richie’s naked skin. They’d purr and murmur about how soft his skin was, how little his thigh felt in a hand. After a while Judy made some comment about how hot it was, and she through off her tight little top, letting her tits free. She stretched and flexed, and Richie loved watching the muscles ripple in her chest and shoulders. She had a deep six-pack, every muscle clearly defined. She flexed her right arm under his nose.

“So you think I’m smaller than my little sister, is that right?” she said, flexing again, making her bicep solidify like a ball of wood. Richie squeezed it, taking it between his fingers and thumb and trying to squeeze hard. He didn’t seem to make any dent, and she flexed a little more, making her muscle swell between his fingers.
“Your little hands are so weak, honey,” Bonnie said as she watched him. “You can’t make a dent in my muscle, either.”
Richie mumbled something, and took Judy’s upper arm in both hands, trying hard to squish her flexed muscle. He felt her flex hard again, and then simply hold against him, her flesh like solid leather.
“Now me, Richie,” Bonnie said, and flexed her arm. Richie knew he couldn’t dent her arm, but he gave it a trembling try, making his own little muscles pump with the effort.
“So, who’s bigger?” Bonnie asked, grinning
“You are,” he said quietly. “You’re so very strong, darling…”

“All right, then, little girl – that loaf-of-bread bicep is gonna get beat,” Judy put her arm on the table, inviting an arm-wrestle.
“This is all meat, Olive Oyl – your skinny little muscles just aren’t enough any more.” Bonnie flexed her big arm several times again, making it swell like a softball.

The girls set up and asked Richie to count them off. He leaned over Bonnie’s big shoulders and took the opportunity to run his hands over both big arms before gripping the two hard fists in both hands. He counted them down and they began to push. Richie draped himself lightly over Bonnie’s back, and let his hand rest on her bicep as she fought. He whispered in her ear, “You’re so strong, baby… your muscles are like stone… my god you’re huge…”

They stood even for a minute. Soon it became clear that the younger girl was gaining an advantage. Judy’s hard arm began to tremble, and slowly her wrist was pressed down and down. “Squeeze my biceps again, Richie” Bonnie said, and Richie felt her muscle ripple as she pressed Judy’s arm definitively to the table. Once again Bonnie stood and whooped, flexing her body as Judy grimaced and rubbed her beaten arm. She was looking up at Bonnie’s victory dance with something like fear and something like respect. She blurted out “Bonnie – you’re as strong as Mother!”

Bonnie stopped in her tracks.
“Don’t say that, Judy – I’m just a little kid!”
“I arm wrestled Mom last night, Bonnie – she didn’t take me down any faster than you just did.”
“Can I arm wrestle you, Judy?” Richie said, grinning slyly.
“You?!” she laughed, “sure, why not”
“You’re weaker than my Bonnie, maybe I can win,” he said and put his arm up. 
The girls howled with laughter, and Judy put her arm up. Bonnie counted go, and Richie turned red as he tried to move Judy’s iron arm. He pressed steadily for a while, then tried jerking against her arm. Judy never moved more than an inch or two.
“Try both hands, baby” Judy teased, but Richie did. With both hands he started to move her, but then he felt Judy finally begin to actively push, and in a minute she had thrown him to the table, slamming his two arms down. Bonnie slipped her arms under his arms and hauled him to his feet.
“Such a puny little boy,” she said, as she turned him to face her, “C’mon, let’s do mercy” she said, putting up her spread fingers.
“Oh, Bonnie, don’t make me…”
“What?!” she said, taking a step toward him. He put his hands up and laced fingers with her. Judy called go, and Bonnie reduced Richie to moaning helplessness on the floor in 10 seconds.
“Your hands are so soft, baby,” she said, as she knelt over him, pressing him to the floor. “Tell me what you are,”
“I’m your soft little sweetie, aren’t I?”
Bonnie wrapped her hands around his chest, lifting him from the back and digging her thumbs into his pectorals. Her muscles flexed as she lifted his shoulders up, leaning over to kiss him.
“Soft as a little toy, sweetie,” she purred, laying him back down and reaching between her legs to find his cock.
“Not there though – you’re nearly hard again. Mom said boys our age can stay hard forever – that’s why I wanted to get started with you now, while you have at least one strong part.”
She was stroking his cock, still standing on her knees over him. Richie watched as the big girl’s hips rocked back and forth as she brought him again to full erection. Then she got off of him, laughing and shaking herself, her robe falling around her. 
“Oh, please Bonnie,” Richie said, his mind flooded with lust and confusion.
“Please what, baby?”
”I’m not fucking you yet, Richie,” she said, though she pressed her fingers into her mound, as Richie moaned and held onto his cock.
“You haven’t shown me that you can control yourself yet - you’d better not handle that too much, sweetie. Now get your hands off yourself.”
Richie shuddered, and slowly squeezed his cock before releasing it.
“Get up,” he got to his knees, and noticed that Judy wasn’t in the room. He pulled his little cloth down over his ass, the front lifted by his stiff dick. He watched Bonnie stare at his cock, and he flexed his body, making it jump. 
She giggled and said “Do it again,” He flexed his hips and thighs and his cock swelled and bobbed.
“Lift your little skirt and show me,” she said, and she enjoyed watching his thin body ripple and lift his red member. Bonnie was massaging her own body, her fingers obviously pressing into her pussy. She sank to her knees, and Richie watched her face go sweet with a wracking orgasm. He clutched at his cock, but Bonnie was watching him.
“Hands off of yourself – get up and clear the table and do the dishes,” she commanded.
“What?” Richie answered, his mind still on the possibility of getting himself into his girl today.
Bonnie was smoothing her robe, pausing to cup and squeeze one big breast as she said to him “You heard me – do the dishes – and don’t let that cock get soft, either!”
Richie was getting up, but he again said, stupidly, “What??”
Bonnie got to her own feet and said “You’re not stupid, Richie – do the dishes and keep your cock hard while you finish up – but don’t come, of course. If you come your cock will be worthless and soft, and I’ll have to punish you again.”

Richie’s cock was still tilting up the front of his strip of cloth as he pulled the back down over his sore ass. He squeezed the base of his cock a little to firm it up, but he could tell that he couldn’t take much of that. 
“Here honey, I’ll give you some help – come give me a kiss first.” Bonnie unzipped her robe again, letting it fall back from her bosom and she crushed Richie to her for a kiss as he took her breasts in his hands. His cock swelled to oak hardness as Bonnie ran her hands up his arms and kneaded the soft flesh. She reached between them to grip his cock, squeezing it hard and rhythmically, and said, “Don’t you come, you little baby,” she kissed him hard and worked his cock until it was throbbing, “My pussy’s so tight, you’d better not come for a little squeeze like this…”

But he did. Gasping and shaking, his cock erupted, covering her hand with his semen. Instantly he felt her fingers clamp down hard on the base of his cock, and her other hand catch his hair – his scalp was sore now, and he whimpered as she pulled his head back, still pulsing the base of his shriveling cock. 
“Feel how little and worthless that soft thing is, Richie…”
He fell against her, his knees weak, and she let go of his member and let him slide to the floor, kneeling to pull his face down to the polished hardwood. She threw her leg over his back and bounced on him, driving him into the floor with a cry, facing his ass.

“You mustn’t be that sort of weakling, Richie,” she said in a sweet voice as she untied the little skirt and peeled it away from his body. She bounced on him again, and began to tighten her knees around his ribs. “When I make you hard, I expect you to stay hard,” she said, and raised her hand high, then smacked him hard on the red spot she had left before.

Richie was face down on the floor, pinned under the heavier body of his girl, his mind whirling with terror, anger and shame. His cock still throbbed, his mind whirled with images of Bonnie and Judy, with the feeling of standing naked and weak for these beautiful young girls. He found that he actually did want to please Bonnie, and was proud when his cock stood for her. Now he felt even weaker and more helpless as he remembered his hard-on turning to mush in Bonnie’s hand.

Then Bonnie’s hand fell hard, and a wave of pain swept him. He felt her legs crush in against his ribs, and tried to get his breath but she found the soft place under his ribs and squeezed with her huge thighs. She spanked him on the ass again, her hard hand falling and her hard voice growling “Never come until you’re told,” over and over, until he was crying again, squirming and fighting, but unable to do anything to get her off his back, or to get his breath. Finally he was sobbing and begging, when she stopped and said “What’s the rule, boy?” Her hands ran smooth over his battered ass, and gave a little smack, “What’s the rule, BOY?”
“Never come until I’m told to,” Richie said, his voice catching in his throat.
“Do you want me to beat your ass again, boy?”
“Please, no, Bonnie…”
“And you’ll always do as I tell you?”
“Please, yes, Bonnie…”
“Then get up, my Mom’s here.”

Bonnie quickly got up from Richie’s back, leaving his ass reddened in the air. He panted on the floor, but she was pleased to see him begin to get up fairly quickly. Richie’s arms and legs felt like foam rubber. His arms were heavy and tired, his ass sore, his cock drooping and wet with his own come. As he stood he saw that Judy had returned, probably while he was bawling like a little boy, and that with her had come their mother.
“Stand up straight, Richie,” Bonnie said “and show yourself to the women.”

“Hello Richie,” said Sally Taylor, mother of his girlfriend and her bitch sister. Mrs Taylor was about six feet tall, with thick dark blonde hair and the same pretty face as her daughters. She was built more like Bonnie than Judy, but she wore a little sleeveless crop top that exposed a waist totally free of the soft padding that pillowed Bonnie’s middle. Her bosom was huge, held into high cleavage by a tight sport bra. She wore a simple red wrap skirt, that fell just below her knees, exposing heavily muscled calves. Her arms and shoulders, her upper chest were bigger than Bonnie’s and looked much harder, rippling with easy muscle when she moved.
“Hello Ma’am,” Richie said, crossing his hands in front of himself.
“Don’t hide your cock from Mom, Richie,” Bonnie laughed, and Judy chuckled, too.
“I know all about it, Richie,” the older woman said, “but Bonnie, why isn’t he hard?”
Bonnie slapped his ass three times sharply as she said “Because he’s still a feeble! little! pussy! Who can’t stay hard for his lover.” Bonnie spun him around and pushed him toward the little bathroom “Now clean yourself, brush your pretty hair and get out here and do the dishes!”

Richie fled into the bathroom, tears once again streaming from his blue eyes. He heard the women laughing behind him. He looked in the mirror, to find his eyes red, his mouth moist and puffy, his hair tangled. He ran the water and splashed his face, scrubbing it and drying on the big soft towel. His arms were sore, and he could see bruises where the girls’ hands had squished his biceps. He flexed his right arm, like he sometimes did in the bathroom mirror. His muscle was so bruised and pulped he could hardly even make a bump appear. He had been beaten up, but he had also come twice and been held helpless in the strong arms of two beautiful girls, who thought he was… cute?  …too weak to stop them? Ever since Bonnie made him into her boyfriend he’d gotten more sex – even if not the ‘all the way’ deal yet – than he’d gotten his whole life before. He really did feel like he loved Bonnie, and he really did love it when she made him her soft little toy. He felt so safe and fulfilled…

Richie used a washcloth and cleaned his genitals and thighs, and washed up his other parts as well. He rubbed his hand over his bruised ass- it was swollen, hot and soft. He thought about Bonnie’s rage and strength as she punished him, and his cock seemed to shrivel even more. Then he thought about Bonnie’s body – about her lips and about sinking his head into her soft bosom while her arms clasped him, and about her arms, and her legs, the dominating muscle and the soft skin and the newly found sweetness of her pussy, of pressing his cheek against the warm stone of her thigh and making her come. Even as he felt the soreness in his ass and arms, these thoughts made his 16-year-old-boy penis gently stir. He turned and emerged into the main room feeling rather better. Later it would occur to him to wonder why he wasn’t terrified at being stripped, beaten and forced to serve the sexual and psychological needs of teenaged girls. At the moment it all just seemed to make sense.

Bonnie watched Richie come out of the bathroom, and she could tell that he had decided to stay. She gave him her high-beam smile and held out her hand to gesture him to come over to her.
“Kiss me, boy,” she said, and he brought his handsome face down to hers, their lips warm.
“Bonnie, do you have to call me boy?” he asked? And the other women laughed. Bonnie’s hand snaked out and caught his balls, pinching his soft cock in her fingers.
“You’re a boy until I say you can be a man, Richie,” Bonnie felt his cock stir a little in her hand “MMmmm,” she purred, “you’ll be hard again soon. Then what will the rule be?”
Richie looked over at the older woman, who smiled gently at him, and said “Say the rule, boy.”
His face bright red, his cock crushed in Bonnie’s grip, he said “Never come until I’m told I may”
“Now do as Bonnie told you and clean up breakfast, boy” their mother said. As Richie began clearing the few plates and cups from the table Mrs Taylor added, “While you’re working, are there questions you want to ask Bonnie?”

Richie whirled, his face showing surprise and interest, and cried, “Oh yes, Mrs Taylor; what is all this? Why do you all do it? Bonnie, how did you learn to do all this? Are you going to kill me? Please don’t hurt me! Please…” Richie started to sob now, his tears running down his cheeks even as he stood straight before them, naked and helpless. Bonnie sauntered over to him and took his cock in her hand again. The boy obviously wanted to turn away, but he controlled himself, and looked at the floor while Bonnie kneaded his cock and balls.

“I’ll tell you why I do it, Richie,” she purred, as she took his hand. Bonnie was so very pleased. When she had talked with her mom and aunt, and e-mailed her sister, they had all agreed that Richie might break, that he would rebel, flee, or crack and cower worthlessly. Now Richie was getting hard again for her, blushing so sweetly looking up a little at her.
“It’s really because I want you so much. You make me feel so strong and pretty – and pretty, Richie… I love that. I can make any guy horny, and I can scare almost any guy, but nobody has looked at me like you do.”
She ran her hand up his arm, letting her thumb press his muscle a little. He winced.
“But you’re hurting me, Bonnie…” he whined, rubbing his arm.
“You’ve been very good, Richie, I’ve hardly hurt you at all,” she slowly squeezed his arm harder and harder. “You’re so soft and slender, baby, you know how weak you are, don’t you?”
“Yes Bonnie,” he whispered.
“And you know I’ll always protect you – didn’t I protect you from my sister?”
Richie looked up, met her eyes with his, “Yeah, I guess you did – before you… before…”
“Before I spanked you like the little wimp you are – I just want you to know that I can do anything I want with your body.” She pulled his hips against her, his cock now rather swollen, and said “And that you must obey when we play.”
Judy and Bonnie’s mom had been grinning and nudging one another. “Look,” Judy whispered, “he’s totally hers.”
“Look at his little arms,” Mrs Taylor said quietly “Bonnie has good taste.”
Bonnie’s mom walked over to them, and handed Richie the little cloth garment. She kissed Bonnie on the cheek and stroked Richie’s hair, said, “Now he looks better, with a little meat between his legs. Now let him go and do what he was told, like a good little toy.” The girls laughed with their Mom, and Mrs Taylor came over to lean against the counter as Richie drew water in the basin.

“Richie,” she said, “Things are different in this house.”
Richie laughed out loud, and the older woman slapped his ass hard, making him gasp and whimper.
“Shut up, boy, do your work and pay attention when a woman speaks. Let me start at the simple end; women in our family grow big and strong. Doesn’t seem to apply to the guys – they’re big or small like guys anywhere – but the women are almost all over six feet tall and tend to muscle. We’re waiting to see whether Bonnie’s done growing taller – I’m sure she’ll get much stronger.”
Mrs Taylor flexed her right arm, right next to Richie, and it grew into the biggest mound of muscle he had ever seen. Mr Carter the gym teacher didn’t have anything like it, nobody he’d ever seen did.
“Put your hand on my arm if you want, Richie,” she said, and Richie rested his hand on her biceps as she pumped it. She was pleased to see his cock jump and his face turn bright red.
“Get back to work boy,” she said, shaking off his hand. “We have an old story, Richie, that back in the Old Country, on the Welsh Border, one of our ancestors was a powerful witch, who fought oppression and taught women to be strong. The story goes that women who descend from her and few of her amazon warrior band will always be much stronger than average, able to build our bodies easily and effectively. The bloodlines are spread pretty widely, but a few families have actually remembered, have developed some customs that just come naturally.’

“Most of us Taylor women are dominant personalities, who prefer to be the stronger member of a relationship. Some of us are lesbians, like our Judy there, but most of us like men. The truth is that a lot of men are physical weaklings, Richie. Playing some college sport and weekend golf doesn’t give you muscle like Judy or Bonnie have. So it’s easy for us to find men that we can dominate, isn’t it girls?”

Judy laughed, “Like, most of them, Mom,” she said “Most guys look like they have muscles, but then they’re just big bags of dough when you get your hands on them. I like girls cause they know they’re weak, and can admit they get turned on by my muscles.”

Richie made as though to ask a question, and Mrs Taylor said “Yes, Richie, what is it?”
“Bonnie, you’ve beaten up guys like this before?”
“We’ve been teaching Bonnie this and that since she turned 13, Richie,” her Mom answered. “Bonnie, remember that macho rock and roll guy that Judy brought home? What were you…?”
“Fourteen, Mom,” Bonnie said “That fool really thought he was strong.” She walked over to Richie where he was finishing the dishes and wrapped her arms around his chest. “I was pretty angry in those days – full of hormones, my tits were nearly this big already, my muscles getting pretty strong by then.”
“I softened him up for you,” Judy said
“By which you mean you got him all excited – that was the first hard cock I’d seen, but he couldn’t make it last – a half dozen punches to the gut and he was limp as anything.”
“Bonnie!” Richie exclaimed, and felt her arms tighten around his chest hard. She raised one fist in front of his face and growled in a too-tough voice, “You wouldn’t want a punch in the gut from one of these, would you boy?”
“I’ve held the heavy bag for you Bonnie – you hit like a sledgehammer!” He turned around in Bonnie’s arms, wiping his hands. “All done Bonnie,” he said and kissed her.
“What a good boy” she said, lifting his skirt and fondling his half-hard cock. He put his arms around her, and she raised her fist to his face. “Kiss it,” she said, and he pressed his warm mouth to her knuckles, causing her mother and sister to chuckle.
“That’s hot, Bonnie,” Judy said.
“He’ll kiss any part of me – won’t you Richie”
“Yes, please,” he said working his way from her knuckles to her palm, and pressing his cock against the cloth of her black kaftan.

“So Richie,” Mrs Taylor went on, “It’s easy to find men we can dominate, but most of them just aren’t going to end up as our lovers. Women like me and the girls are always looking for men who enjoy being weak and helpless in the arms of a powerful woman.”
Bonnie grabbed Richie’s chin with the hand he was kissing and said “Like you, Richie.” 
“You are like a little girl, Richie,” Judy said, coming over to him and flexing her arms as she walked. “Little girls get excited by big, strong muscles.” She flexed under his nose and said “Kiss that, boy.”
Richie pressed his lips to Judy’s arm, hard as a steel pipe. Judy flexed and her bicep grew visibly under his lips. He pressed his cheek to it and kissed it again, as Judy drew him away from Bonnie.

With an easy movement Judy whipped off the tight little top she’d worn all day, letting her pert breasts stand naked. She leaned over, from her slight height advantage, and kissed Richie. He looked over his shoulder at Bonnie, who just said “Remember the rules, sweetie, and do as the women say.”
Judy wrapped her long fingers around his shoulder and he felt them dig into his flesh, squeezing and testing. Her other hand found his cock and worked it, as she told him it was time to be hard again. He whimpered as her fingers dug into his shoulder, and she said, “You really are tiny, boy. Bonnie said your tiny muscles were purely decorative, and this part here is as soft as a pillow. Here, feel mine…” She took Richie’s hand and placed it on her shoulder, instructed him to squeeze “right in here” then flexed her arm and upper body. She kept working his cock, which was now red and stiff in her hand. Richie just murmured “wow” as he felt Judy’s thick, hard shoulder, then ran his hand down her arm to squeeze her biceps hard. His cock twitched in her hand, but he remembered the rule. A wave of fear and determination swept over him, and he squeezed his cock up to bursting hardness, thrusting into Judy’s hand without coming.

“Now that’s a strong little boy, Bonnie,” Judy said

“Give him to me,” a low, sultry voice said, and everyone turned to look at Mrs Taylor. She was flexing her big arms, and her eyes looked hot as she said, “He’s just too pretty Bonnie – can I play with him a little?”

Bonnie came and put her arms around Richie again and said to her mother, “Please don’t ruin him Mom – he’s mine, and he’s sooo weak.”
“I know dear, I’ll be careful.”
“Do what she says, Richie,”
“Come here, boy,” she big woman said. She stood taller than Richie in her pumps, her shoulders much wider, her hips as broad as his shoulders. She stepped into him and again pulled off his little cloth, letting his cock bounce before him. She took it between two fingers and worked up and down its length, then tickled the head, making Richie gasp. She watched Richie’s face as he gathered his control, then she again fingered the mouth of his cock then jacked it firmly. “Very good, little boy… you have a superior penis, boy – Bonnie is a lucky girl.”
Suddenly Mrs Taylor scooped Richie up in her arms, holding him like a baby, seemingly without effort. “How much do you weigh, cutie?” she asked him, kissing him firmly on the lips and pressing him against her bosom.
“150,” Richie said and the woman laughed and said “That’s about what I thought, and you’re 6’2” tall?”
“Yes Ma’am,” Richie said, carefully keeping his hands between his legs as Bonnie’s mom carried him across the room.
“There’s just nothing to you, Richie, you’re as light as a feather,” Sally sat down in the big chair with Richie in her lap. “Take my shirt off Richie,” she said. Richie looked over his shoulder, looking for Bonnie and her permission, but Sally caught his hair and turned his face to her. “Don’t look for your Mistress’ permission, little boy, don’t you want my tits?” She lifted her arms, and Richie pulled the little crop-top over her head and arms. Sally brought her arms down into a double flex and lifted her chest. Sally’s bosom hung low and round, breasts almost perfectly globe-shaped and firm, larger but all rather looser than Bonnie’s tight bosom. She wound her fingers in Richie’s hair and pulled his face to her right breast “Suck that, little one.”
Richie buried his face in her big breast and pulled her nipple into his hot mouth. The older woman purred and moaned quietly as he sucked, and her big hands kneaded his body.
“My goddess, he’s soft,” she said across the room to her daughters.
“Like a little dolly, Mom,” Bonnie said and she and Judy giggled as they chatted.
“Can I feel your muscles, Richie,” she asked gently, and Richie turned red again and pulled away a little, raising one arm and flexing. 
“I’m too we…” he mumbled, as he flexed his arm
“What Richie?” she said, pulling his face away from her chest and fingering his flaccid arm, “Come on, boy, can’t you make that hard?”
“I’m too… they squished my muscles, Ma’am,” he said, ashamed
“They did?” she teased, “did you used to have big, hard muscles, little boy?” she crushed his arm like a sponge, making him gasp and whimper aloud. “Did the big strong girls make you into a weak little dolly?”
She took his chest between her hands, and he felt like her long fingers as if they were wrapping all the way around him.
“I don’t think so – I think you’re just a weakling, like so many boys. I think you’re just a handsome little cock with less muscle than a girl. Now flex harder, wimp!” she said, and Richie tried to flex, but his poor crushed muscle failed to respond.
“I can’t, Ma’am,” he said, and his tears started again.
“You can’t make a muscle, baby?”
“I don’t think so…” He flexed again, and Sally pinched his little blob of a bicep between her thumb and forefinger. “Try to make it hard, boy,” she said, and cooed and coaxed until he managed to get a response, his right bicep popping between her fingers only to have her crush it again, shaking the flaccid muscle in her hand and laughing.
“I’m too weak, Ma’am, please don’t crush it like that.”
“You really can’t make a muscle,” she said
“I guess not.”
“Because you’re too weak to stop girls from squeezing it to mush, right?”
“Yes, Ma’am.”
“Here, why don’t you try punching my arm”
“What?!” he looked up to see Mrs Taylor flexing her gigantic arm. He rubbed his hand over the totally rock-hard mountain of flesh, and felt his cock twitch. 
“Hit my muscle as hard as you can.”
Richie began to protest, but he saw Bonnie rise from her seat, and he balled his fist and gave her arm a small punch. The girls started to giggle again, and stood up to come over and watch. “Come on Richie, pound her arm really good.”
With that encouragement he drew back his arm and pounded down on the woman’s bicep as though his fist were a hammer. It bounced off like water on wood and Mrs Taylor smiled and said “That was very feeble, Richie – can’t you punch like a grown-up?”
Bonnie had taught Richie how to punch in the gym, and held the heavy bag when he tried it out. He balled up his fist and gave the woman’s arm a punch like that – he figured if he could get her to say ‘ow’ or rub her arm he’d have done well. Sally Taylor’s arm didn’t even move an inch, and Richie’s wrist went numb as it bent a little with the effort of the punch. He gasped a little and rubbed his wrist as the girls laughed. Sally took his wrist and brought it to her lips, then kissed her way up his arm, to kiss his softened muscles.
“Did that hurt, Mom?” Bonnie kidded 
“Just like throwing marshmallows at a tree, honey,” their mom replied, as she lifted Richie’s chest to her lips and took his nipple in her mouth. 

Richie moaned as the older woman’s hot lips sucked hard at his nipple. His wrist ached from trying to use his puny strength on the big woman and his cock rubbed against Sally’s belly as she laid him stretched out between her legs, his head above hers, her powerful hands holding his nipples to her mouth. He couldn’t help his hips from slowly rocking against her as she sucked and bit his chest. His mind reeled as he held fast to his impulse, refusing to spill himself on his girl’s mom. He heard Judy and Bonnie giggling, as they chatted.
“Remember when we used to punch Mom’s muscles like that?”
“Yeah, she was always showing us just how strong she was.”
“And she was teaching us to punch, too.”
“Hey Mom, did he hit harder than we did when we were little?”

Mrs Taylor set Richie back into her lap and laughed softly, “Oh no, dears, I think you were hitting harder than that by the time you were, oh… maybe ten years old.” This brought a gale of laughter from the girls.
“Oh Richie,” Bonnie said, “Did you hear that? You’re as weak as a little girl!”
Sally had headlocked Richie to her bosom, and was working his cock, when she said, “Oh girls, I have to have more of this...” She put her arms under Richie’s ass and raised his hips, plunging her mouth down on his erect member.

Richie gasped and tried to lift his upper body, but in the end just clung to Sally’s hard arm as she sucked him hard. Her tongue worked the head of his cock while her lips pulsed on the shaft. She sucked him for a couple of minutes, as he closed his eyes and thought of the beatings he had received when he had failed previously, and so avoided losing his control again. Sally set him down in her lap again and her eyes smoldered as she said “Very good, boy – you’re getting stronger where it counts.” She let him slide from her lap to stand naked, his cock bouncing in the air. She stood up behind him and held him as he wobbled, then found his legs.

“Judy,” their mom said, “time for us to go.” She quickly pulled on her top, while Judy gathered up a few things. “Bonnie, I’m very proud of you – you’re a fine strong young woman.” Mrs Taylor turned and smooched Richie on his shoulder, and said “Richie, be a good boy, and Bonnie will make you very happy. In the morning we’ll have your clothes for you, and you’ll go back to your regular life. Will you like that?”

“Maybe, Ma’am…”

The two older women laughed as they said goodbye

Bonnie stepped up and caught Richie by his hair and his cock, walking him toward the big chair again. 

“Please Bonnie,” he whined, following her as she firmly marched him along, “Please, they’re gone, don’t hurt me anymore.”

They arrived at the chair and Bonnie sat down, releasing him, and patting her lap.

“Sit here boy, and snuggle up.” She was delighted when Richie obeyed instantly, blushing, and she saw tears beginning to leak from his eyes as she pulled him down into her lap. “Don’t cry, boy – I love you!” She kissed him hard, and took his cock again, working it and saying, “you’ve been so hard today, sweetie – I think you’re very brave.”

“Richie raised his eyes to her, and said “Brave?”

“My Mom said that a lot of guys can’t stand being weaker than a woman they want to fuck. It makes them angry or terrified or some other stupid thing, and then Mom has to beat them into submission.”

“You girls are crazy!” Richie cried, but he didn’t try to get away.

“Crazy eh?” she answered, and cupped one breast in her hand, making it a perfect sphere and waving her nipple at him. Without a moment’s hesitation Richie plunged his mouth onto her nipple.

“See Richie, you’re mine. I’m going to have you any way I want, for as long as I want. Do you want to come for me, baby?” She worked his cock, and he squirmed, raising his slim hips into her hand. “Do you?”

“Please don’t hurt me, Bonnie, please,” he begged, and she chuckled.

“No more hurting, lover. Don’t come yet, just listen. Tomorrow morning we’ll go home, and everything will be normal – regular folks don’t understand the things we like honey. You’ll be my boyfriend and I’ll be sweet to you, and when I get you to myself you’ll be my weak little toy. If you don’t want that, I’ll probably have to break up with you in public, and maybe show the other girls what sort of boy you are, but you want to be my soft little sweetie, don’t you?” 

Her hand was tightening on his purple cock as he whimpered, “Yes, Bonnie I love being your soft little sweetie.”

Then come for me when you want, honey,” she purred, and her hand jacked him hard. On the second stroke he gasped and whimpered and his come erupted from his 16-year-old cock to splash his face, and, even though she aimed it at him, Bonnie’s tits. Bonnie giggled with delight and began to rub the cum into his skin and hers.

“C’mon, baby,” she laughed “Let’s wash each other, then we’ve got all night… I wanna wrestle!”

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