Tuesday, June 9, 2015

After the Change Pt 2

By the mid-21st century, boys (nobody talked about 'men' any more) had become toys. Women's average height reached 6'6", their weight usually over 225 lbs, much of it muscle. The 'average man, at 5'11 and 170 lbs was a weakling compared to most of his potential mates.

Sexual predation by boys became a thing of the past. Slight little males had no chance of overpowering most women, and the natural sexual urges of women became amplified, in turn, by their place of leadership. Women became used to taking what they wanted. Boys were as horny as ever, of course, and it became common for women to allow a pretty little boy to fondle and caress her body, often leading to further fun.

Boys were often simply party-favors, the competition between the big, strong women sometimes taking a toll on the fragile males. Many women thought nothing of taking a boy home, intimidating him until he was functionally her slave, and using him as she pleased. Not all women were either careful or humane, and at last the New Congress imposed statues to regulate 'amazon marriage'.

Many men became willing, submissive objects for their women, grateful for a strong wife to protect them from women on the streets. Classes in methods of sexual pleasuring became common hobbies for houseboys, eager to be the favorite of their women.

In time the world settled in to the rule of women, a fitting fate given their strength of body and mind.

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