Wednesday, May 6, 2015

After the Change pt 1

The real cause is known only to a few, but in the early 21st century something happened. It was sudden in some places, more subtle in others, but it seemed inevitable. Women  simply became larger and stronger. Often in the middle of lovemaking, sometimes randomly by day or night, women grew past men in average size and strength.

Men didn't really get smaller; average male height remained around 5'11". Women got bigger. By 2020 the average female height was 6'4", with many younger women growing to seven feet tall or more. The female body became thick and wide, more muscular even as secondary sex characteristics were preserved or even enhanced. The cocktail of hormones that made this possible included growth hormones, reduced cortisol liability, lots of estrogen, but also lots of testosterone.

 This meant that along with size and strength, women became more aggressive, competitive and dominant. By 2050 women were in charge of most homes and businesses. Pro sport became dominated by women, and they showed a preference for fighting sports. Women began to directly compete with one another for desirable men, leading to public fights and confrontations. Men's traditional willingness was exploited by women, with many incidents of abuse and eventual legislation regulating the care of men.

Many men chose to associate themselves closely with a strong, successful woman, living in their households, often doing household work in exchange for their care and safety. Men began to be excluded from many jobs, as the physical requirements were retooled for the larger, stronger gender. Again, many men found that learning to sexually pleasure the new woman, to be available for them as desired, was the most useful thng they could actually do.

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