Thursday, February 12, 2015

Muscle Script

A little inspiration...

Camera pans into the bedroom. Actress is in spaghetti-strap top and panties, or bare-chested, siting on the bed. Cam POV is above actress. She smiles warmly.

Hello sweetie. How ya doin’? You got undressed… Good. C’mere, … 
She pats the bed. Cam POV ‘sits’ on the bed – frame Actress’ upper body/face.

I had a good time, sweetie. (reassuringly) No, I really did! Nice restaurant, nice club. You really can dance, with that slender body. 
She giggles

I’m sorry sweetie. Your body really is… slender. Like, skinny. (giggles) I’m sorry, dude, I know I laughed at you. When you took your shirt off, I thought… (giggles) well, I’m used to men, but you’re built like a little boy. 
(Actress extends a hand past cam POV, as if to touch him)

No, no, you’re a very handsome little boy, very sweet. As soon as I got my hands on you tonight I could tell how little and soft you are, though. I mean, I’m this sexy beast… 
(She flexes a little, going on)

I mean, *this* is muscle… and *this is muscle… and *this is muscle…
I’m really strong, sweetie… I guess you know that now… after our little dance…

You did get me really hot, dude. Your mouth is very sweet, and I could tell that you love my body. (flexes biceps) you love these don’t you? I could tell – you kept feeling them, squeezing my arms… My big, thick biceps. I saw you watching my legs… look at that muscle, sweetie. 
(stands up, continues to show off)

Oh, yeah, it gets me sooo hot when a guy likes my muscles, and when I get hot, I get sort of…  bossy (flex bicep, feel it.). I mean, a girl wants what a girl wants right? 
Looks dominantly at the camera

 (camera nods a little)

Damn right. You know what’s funny though is how easy it would be to beat you up. 
Cam POV remains ‘seated’ on bed. Actress steps up to it, and cam pans up her body as she talks down to it.

You know, usually I end up with big mooses, and I like to fight ‘em, make ‘em work for it. You’re tall, and good looking, but you’re just… (flex ) weak. Like, puny weak. Once I got these arms wrapped around you, when we were making out, you were like a little teddy bear, just as soft as can be. Your little chest and back are so squishy… 
She hugs herself, then flexes double-bi and expands her chest intimidatingly, looming over the cam.

Your body just gave way in my arms, didn’t it? … squeezing you in my big hard arms. I could tell who was the strong one, and who was  gonna be nothing but a toy for me. I’m sorry I made you beg, but it was just fun, and you got pressed right up against this chest, didn’t you? Not so bad… My big arms… crushing your little body…
Here, watch… 
She walks back and sits on the bed. Cam focuses in right arm as she flexes. Multiple flexes pump her arm as she talks

See, sweetie, it’s big and hard, and it just gets bigger and harder.
That’s what strong looks like, sweetie…  
(Flexes hard and holds. After a bit, cam drifts up shoulder to her face She grins, and says, teasing:)

So, how about you, sweetie, can you make a muscle? Like at all? Your arm looks like a tube of jello…
Oh, look at that – a bump. Sort of… here… 
She reaches past the camera a moment, then starts laughing.

Oh my god, there’s nothing there. You’re just tiny, and so soft. Come one, you little pipsqueak, flex that. Nothing…  That’s just not a muscle, bitch. That’s a little girl arm, a  baby arm,. Look… 
Cam on her biceps. She flexes, and measures her muscle with her fingers, holding them in the air.

See, my arm’s about this big 
Reaches past the cam for a moment, brings hand back with fingers much closer together, giggling,

And your pathetic, tiny little baby arm is about this big. My god, you really are a little wimp aren’t you? 
Reaches again

And soft… even flexed there’s hardly any muscle at all. 
She breaks out into laughter, getting up and walking into full body frame, standing. As she goes she is laughing and talking:

Ooo, what a man… like a little girl… my god, how do you… such a pussy… 
Turns and shows him with two fingers again, squishing them together.

This big! And soft as cake. Don’t you feel like a total little weakling? You must be just feeble… Can you open jars? Carry your own groceries? Or does your girlfriend have to do that for you… 
lots of laughter, then she gets serious, flexes her core, and then flexes a thigh.

See that, wimp? That’s muscle. We won’t even discuss your tiny legs. Your thighs look like my arms, except for the muscles. (flexes arm, raps biceps with knuckles) This muscle. More muscle here than in both of your arms together, I think. (Flexes double bi) Think how helpless you’ll be to me, little pussy. When I get you between my legs… 
Stops and looks at camera, noticing, gives a big scary grin

Ooo, lookey…  There’s that…  sticking right up there… 
She struts slowly toward cam

At least it’s not teeny… and soft…  like your puny muscles… 
Struts up to cam at her nipple, turns the cam to her flexing bicep

I know what that means, pussy. That means that big, strong muscles turn you on. That means that you like it when a girl is bigger and stronger than you. You liked it when I squeezed you tight, didn’t you. My strength makes you hot, doesn’t it, wimp. You like feeling weak and helpless for a strong woman like me. You like to get beaten up, pussy? 
Makes a fist into the cam; steps back, upper body into frame, flexing arms alternately, sneering at cam. Cam shakes head 'no'.

Think about how hard this fist is, how powerful my arms make my punches. Wanna fight, big man…? (giggles) little man…  pretty little weakling… 
Cam 'no', shakily... She steps back in, cam pov up over her beasts at her face

Aw, don’t be afraid, I won’t hit you as long as you do what you’re told. Your face is too cute to wreck, and I might stave in your ribs without meaning to. No wrestling either, I think. I could break your bones and pull you apart with my hands, I think, so there’s no point in that. 
Camera drifts to focus on her bosom

Uh huh. You want that, don’t you, pussy. You’ll get a tit when I give you one. Watch… 
Flexes her chest hard.

My chest is bigger than yours, and harder too. I bet my tits are thicker and harder than your worthless baby arms. 
Makes the two finger gesture again, squishing, and laughing.

I bet I could crush you against my chest. 
 Arms crossed and flexed in front of her

Yeah… I don’t really have to pin you, or worry about your weakling struggles. I’ll just press your pretty face into my chest until you can’t breathe. You’ll just flop like a ragdoll, pussy, until you’re too weak to even do that. 
Flexing as desired, maybe pacing, stepping back from cam.

Or maybe we will wrestle a little. I can show you how flimsy and worthless your little baby arms are. Even your legs are weaker than my arms by the look of them. Sometimes I like to get a guy tied up, but that would be silly. I can tie your little sissy body into knots. I can beat you with one arm, one hand, one foot, probably one finger. I’m gonna wring you out until you’re nothing but a trembling, limp rag with a hard-on. 
Stalking toward the camera

I bet you thought that you were gonna get laid, huh wimp? You still might, but first I’ll see whether your mouth is as sweet as it looks.  Once I’ve made a whimpering, docile little slave out of you, maybe I’ll find some use for your cute dick.

For now there’s only one thing I wanna hear out of you, you puny, scrawny, weakling wimp, and that’s “Yes, Ma’am.”

Now answer me – are you a weakling, no-muscle wimp?
Does my muscle scare you, you little pussy?
Do you want to kiss me?

Good little wimp… 
Hands extended as if to grip and crush, she blacks out the cam

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