Wednesday, February 18, 2015

Just Too Weak, Pt 2

Richie moved fast, trying to get across the lunchroom. He was paranoid, 
half-certain that everyone was watching him, snickering, even though he was 
probably no more an object of ridicule than usual. He hustled his lanky 6'1" 
frame between the tables, heading for the door, hoping to avoid...

"Hi Rich" he heard, as a big, stocky blonde stepped around a pillar and met 
him almost nose to nose. He checked his walk, and stumbled a little, and the 
girl grabbed his arms to steady him, keeping him from plowing into her. He 
stared down into the face of Bonnie, the cute girl who had made him come in 
his pants just the day before. She held him tight by the shoulders, several 
inches shorter than him, but her hands hard on his slender body. With a 
quick movement she had him up against the big, square pillar pressing her 
big chest against his, her lips turned up to him.
"C'mon, Kiss me" she whispered, and he put his arms around her and pressed 
her to him, kissing her gently. His heart was pounding, and his mind 


Just the afternoon before, this tall, busty girl had forced him onto his 
back and made him come in his pants. She seemed to like him, in fact, she 
seemed to like him a lot, but he was totally humiliated by the possibility 
that a girl was so much stronger than him. Being a 16-year-old sophomore to 
her 15-year-old freshman, if word got out his shot at joining the cool 
people would be out the window, as would any future chances of dates. His 
tall skinny frame, slight and unathletic, was enough of a handicap, he felt.

All this spun through his brain for a minute, until he realized he was 
blushing, his mouth open, staring stupidly at a pretty girl who obviously 
wanted to cuddle him! She was grinning up at him, and she whispered, "Smile 
and kiss me stupid, and try not to look so scared."

He did as he was told. Her lips were soft and sweet, and he wrapped his arms 
around her. He hoped it looked like he was holding her, because her arms 
were tightening around his chest, and he doubted he could get away without a 
real effort. As her big bosom squished against his chest, he felt his dick 
swell in his pants. She leaned her hips against him, and squeezed him tight.

"So, I'll see you at Mrs Connor's tonight?" she said, her face turned up to 
his. Yesterday she had ordered him to join her at her babysitting job. He 
was scared and lustful, torn about whether he wanted to be anywhere near 
this girl. He managed to answer, "uh..." Bonnie pressed her hips against his 
hard on, and and compressed his narrow chest with her bosom and arms.

"So," she said, smiling as though they were having a nice chat, "I could 
just get you down on the floor and make you say yes out loud, or you can 
smile and say yes, and mean it..."

"Aw c'mon, Bonnie," Richie hissed, and grabbed her arms casually, trying to 

pull her off him. Her arms were solid under his hands, and he realized that 

there would be a real tussle if he tried to make her stop. She just squeezed 
him harder, and he reddened as she kissed his neck. "We can stay here as 
long as you want, honey," she said quietly. She looked down at his chest, 
covered only in a thing t-shirt. "Maybe I should bite your little 

The combination of the feel of her chest, the hardness of her arms and the 
idea of her lips on his chest nearly made his cock let go again. He closed 
his eyes and held still, and said, "OK, Bonnie... OK..."

OK what," she asked, slacking her bear-hug a little.

"OK I'll come over tonight..."

"And," she teased, letting him go, and putting both hands on his chest.

"And what?"

"And be my little softy..." she grinned up at him, and stole a quick kiss.

Some control regained, he pressed his somewhat quieter dick against her, and 
said "We'll see about the softy part!"

"OK, Richie," she said, stepping away a little, "we'll see about that. See 
you at 8:30 - don't be late." She sauntered away, her big butt swaying on 
her long thick denim-covered legs.

He heard a small round of applause, and turned to see Karen and a couple of 
his buds smiling and clapping. He turned purple, and walked away as fast as 
he could.


Bonnie smirked to herself, and heard Karen's voice behind her, as she gave 
Richie a nice view of her tight jeans. The ideas she got from Mrs Connor 
seemed to be working great!


In the clear, late spring weather sunset found Richie walking the streets. 
He couldn't ask for the car, because he didn't wasn't to discuss his plans, 
because he didn't know what he was going to do. So he was walking the 
streets, and finding himself circle in toward Mrs Connor's house. The Phys 
Ed teacher was well-liked by students, and her house was a landmark - a big 
old victorian manse. After a little while, Rich found himself approaching 
the house. The lights were on in the window, and he found his mind filled 
with the feel of Bonnie's breasts and lips...

He smiled as he lept up the stairs and rung the bell. His hornier nature had 
prevailed over his fear, since this was the best offer he'd ever actually 
had from a girl. She had said they were going to have a 'make'out session', 
and he just couldn't, at 16 years old, pass that up! Yet he found his 
imagination turning to the thickness of Bonnie's round arms, and the feel of 
her on top of him the day before.

The door swung open, and Bonnie stood there. She wore a little t-shirt, 
stretched tight across her big chest, and some sweat-pants. Her long blonde 
hair hung in curls around her shoulders, and her blue eyes, snub nose and 
wide mouth crinkled in a big, charming smile.

"Richie, you came!" she said sweetly, seeming genuinely pleased to see him. 
He opened the screen door, and stepped in, and Bonnie slammed the door shut 
hard, and turned the lock. She stepped toward him, then hesitated - he was 
surprised to see her blush... "OOOHHH" she sighed, and stood on her tip-toes 
to kiss him quickly. "I really like your lips, Richie," she said quietly, 
blushing again...

Richie was heartened by this show of shyness... Bonnie looked just like a 
shy, pretty 15-year-old, and he put his arms around her and pressed her to 
his chest, kissing her upturned lips - their longest, sweetest kiss yet. The 
best kiss he'd ever had, in fact. Her hands ran up his back to tangle in his 
long hair, as they stayed standing, exploring each other's lips, for more 
than a minute. His hands ran over her back, under her arms. The muscles of 
her back were spread thick and hard as she stood on tip-toe for his kiss. 
Then he had her breasts in his hands, lifting the firm globes of her round 
bosom, encased in a surprisingly heavy bra. With a sigh, she broke off and 
took his wrists in her hands, pulling his hands away. She held him in front 
of her, smiling.

"How about some Pizza?" she asked, smiling. Richie's brain shifted gears, 
and he smiled, putting an a normal, friendly face. "Pizza sounds great," he 
said. She let his wrists go, took his hands, and pulled him into the big 
living-room. On the coffee table was a big pizza, with one piece missing, 
and a six-pack of sodas. Bonnie got him a plate, and he took a piece and a 
can of soda, and they ate for a minute. The pizza was good, and he made 
appreciative sounds, and said thank-you as he ate.

"So where are the kids," he asked, remembering Mrs Connor's 9-year-old 
daughter and 6-year-old son. She said they were already in bed, and 
commented on what good kids they were. 'Mrs Connor's a great mom," she said 
in admiration. "You know, that little girl can lift 50 pounds already!"

Richie blushed. he wasn't sure why, but he thought about how recently he had 
started with 50 pound weights himself. He looked away, and saw over Bonnie's 
shoulder a wall of photos of Mrs Connor - tall, 20-something and sexy in 
vollyball togs, her college trophies on a shelf, and one with her arm flexed 
to show a very respectable bicep and tricep thickness.

"Wow," Richies said, as he got up to look more closely at the photos, "Mrs 
Connor was a real babe!" He took a close look at the photos, and then he 
felt Bonnie's hands on his shoulders as she joined him. She massaged his 
shoulders and neck, and said "So you think the looks good, eh?"

She sure does," he replied, and then said 'whoa' as she spun him hard 
around, and caught him in her hands facing her. Then she raised her arms and 
flexed. The tight sleeves of her little top pulled back, and her arms 
swelled dramatically. "So, you like muscles on a woman, eh?," she said, 
smiling wide, and pumping her right arm to make the muscle there swell 

"Aw, I dunno," he said, blushing again, but his tongue touched his lips as 
he watched her upper body flex and harden before his eyes. "I have bigger 
tits than she ever had, you know," she said, sticking out her chest toward 
him, "Don't you think I'm as sexy as she is?"

Richie's mouth as dry, and he could only make an inarticulate sound of 
appreciation as she pumped again, her shoulders and pectorals swelling and 
hardening. He reached out a hand to feel her shoulder, round and hard, and 
ran it over her flexed biceps. He felt his cock raising in his pants, and 
didn't know whether to keep squeezing Bonnie's hard arm, or go for her 
chest. He finally got out, "You're so strong, Bonnie," before his throat 
dried out.

Her face lit up, and she threw herself around his neck, pulling his lips 
down to hers. She pulled herself up around his neck, and wrapped one leg 
around his thigh. he held her as tight as he could, and she lifted the other 
leg and wrapped it around his other thigh. Her tongue pushed into his mouth, 
and she crushed his lips under hers, and she clung to his slender body.

Richie held Bonnie tight, and stiffened his back as she climbed him like a 
beanpole. He strained for a deep breath through his nose, and he felt 
Bonnie's legs tightening around his waist. She moaned and kissed him deep, 
holding his head hard in one hand, and he felt his legs begin to flutter. 
The girl was heavy! she pulled her lips back and smiled at him, and said 
"Gee you're still standing - maybe you're not totally weak".

Richie's legs gave way. he staggered, and went down on one knee, trying to 
keep his balance. Bonnie squeezed him and shook him, and he toppled over 
sideways. She held on tight, and smoothly roled him only his back. Her legs 
were still wrapped behind him, and he lay bent over them, as she again 
crushed his mouth with hers. He was gasping for air, and he heard himself 
pleading, "gee Bonnie, c'mon... stop it, please..."

She pulled her legs from under him, letting him flop to the thick carpet of 
the floor. She sat on him, legs spread beside his ribs, then laughed, and 
fell off him to the rug. She rolled over and threw an arm over him. "See how 
easy it is to get you on your back, Richie? You want to be my little softy, 
don"t you?" She curled her arm around his shoulder, and took his biceps in 
her grip. She squeezed hard, and he felt his arm squished in her hard hand. 
He flexed his biceps, and she petted it for a moment. She pressed a thumb 
into his muscle, and it gave way, painfully, forcing him to relax his arm. 
"See, you're just a softy for me, Richie..." She slid her hand down his body 
to find his crotch. He was soft there, too, after being driven down by his 
pretty girl.

"Hmmm," Bonnie pondered, "Mrs Connor said guys might not be strong enough to 
stay hard for me," she started to squeze his crotch gently with her other 
hand, as she held his arm helpless. "She said I might have to take you in 
hand, and show you how I want you." He got hard again in seconds, under her 
hand, and she swung a leg over him, and planted her crotch on his dick. She 
giggled like the girl she was, and stuck out her chest. "Do you like my 
chest, Richie?" she asked, rocking on his swollen cock, "40 inches - 
sometimes these are a problem," she lifted her tits in her hands, "but I do 
like how the boys look at them."

Richie reached up and covered her hands with his own. His hands were longer 
than hers, but looked slim and white over her thicker fingers and 
golden-brown skin. She slid her hands away, and Richie squeezed and pressed 
her soft chest through her bra. She giggled again, and suddenly stood up, 
feet spread on either side of his chest, she looked down at him, his hands 
still dangling in the air. She stuck a hand down to him and stepped over, 
and said, "C'mon, get up, Richie, and we'll talk a little."

He reached up and took her hand, and she pulled him easily to his feet, 
catching him in a soft hug to steady him. He looked down at her red lips, 
and he kissed her again, and cupped her bosom in his hands. "Bonnie, you're 
so pretty," he said, blushing bright again. She blushed too, and took his 
head in her hands. She frowned in a pretty way, and said "And..."

"And what?" he said. He pressed his head toward her lips, but she held his 
face away.

"And so strong, Richie," she squeezed his cheeks in her hard hands. "Say it 
Richie, please..." She pleaded, and pouted, and held his head firmly. 
Richie's face fell,and his mind whirled again...

"Yes, Bonnie," he heard himself say, "You're so strong and pretty. You're 

She wrapped an arm around his neck, pressing her lips sweetly to his, said 
"And you're really cute, Richie. I like your blue eyes and your red lips, 
your long brown hair. C'mon, sit on the couch with me." She wrapped the arm 
around his waist and walked him to the big sofa in the middle of the wide 
livingroom space. she fell back onto the counch, smiling. He sat down next 
to her, and put his hand on her leg.

"Bonnie, you're making me crazy!" he burst out. "You're so hot, so pretty 
and sexy, but you have these muscles, and I'm..." he stammered to a stop. 
She lay back on the ouch and patted her tummy, smiled a little, and said, 
"You're so what, Richie?" She took his hand and pulled him over onto her, 
his head at her shoulder, his slender chest held between her arm and her 
bosom. He wiggled up until he could get his arms around her neck, and lay 
full-length next to her. He pulled himself to her lips for a kiss, that 
lingered for an unguessable time.

"You're so what, Richie?" she asked again, "so little and soft?" She slid 
one big leg behind him, so that he slid into her blue-jean covered crotch. " 
Richie frowned, and said "Hey, I'm not little! I'm over 6' tall! You're the 
little one here, even if you are pretty strong."

Giggling, Bonnie wrapped her legs around his middle, and her arms around his 
chest. She squeezed him tight his arms still around her neck, and kissed him 
hard, her tongue hot and thick. "You are tall, Richie - I like that, it 
makes you a little sturdier," she chuckled, and kissed him quick. "But which 
part of you do you think is bigger than me, huh?" She tightened her grip on 
him, and he felt pressed against the length of her thick body. "Your arms 
have gottenkinda thick, though, huh?" she said; they had talked about their 
weightlifting efforts, to Richie's chagrin. She ran a hand up his arm, still 
pressing him close to her. "Make a muscle," she teased, and he flexed, and 
flexed again a couple of times. He liked what he'd been seeing in the mirror 
lately - he had muscles you could actually see. he wore a long-sleve shirt, 
as usual a fairly tight tee-shirt. "Nice hard little arm, there, honey," 
Bonnie said, squeezing his biceps between two and three fingers, testing 
it's semi-hardness. She held up a hand-measurement, "About this big, eh?" 
she said. Then she flexed her own arm, his hand sliding to her biceps. She 
flexed three or four times, and her arm swelled big under his hand, the 
muscles becoming defined and thick. It was obvious that his arm was smaller, 
his muscles less well-developed."Now measure it with your fingers," she 
said, and he squeezed her hard flesh between two fingers, barely able to 
dent it. He held up his measure ment, and she pulled his hand to her lips. 
and kissed it. "See," she said, her voice hot, "your arm is little. Now feel 
my leg." She unwrapped a leg, and held it outstraight, flexing her thigh. He 
couldn't begin to get a hand around her thigh, and while there seemed to a 
be a little soft flesh, it was thick with muscle. "Do you even think your 
little leg could be as big as mine?" she asked, and he had to shake his 
head, eyes downcast. "So your legs are little, too"

"Here, put your hand here," she said, and put his hand on her chest above 
her big bra-cup. She put her arms around him and squeezed, and he felt the 
muscle of her chest swell and harden. "Squeeze me, Richie, let's see whatcha 

Richie wrapped his arms around her back, and squeezed, he but his shoulders 
and chest into it figuring this was a chance to win one, with his slightly 
broader shoulders. He squeezed hard, but he felt Bonnie's back harden and 
swell, and he felt his own chest pressed by her breasts and muscle. He 
shifted a little and bore down, blushing, and they both started to giggle. 
Bonnie didn't let up, and neither did he, he hardened his own back as well 
as he could, but Bonnies hard arms seemed to crush his muscles, and he 
didn't make any real headway. In fact, soon he felt his own chest being 
compressed, and he had to relax his squeeze, as his endurance gave out. 
Bonnie squished him hard as his body softened, and kissed him, then stopped 
the prssure, she collapsed back onto the counch, Richie on top of her, 
laughing and panting. Putting her hands under his arms, she dragged him up 
over her body, sliding under him. "You don't weight much, either, do you. 
You're gonna be my little sweetheart, Richie, aren't you," she teased, as 
she held him and kissed him. Mind spinning, he responded, warping his 
exhausted arms around her neck and pressing himself to her, feeling draped 
over her firm body. She took his head in her hands again, holding it hard. 
he put his hands on her big biceps as she lifted his head and asked, 
mock-sternly, "aren't you?"

Richie looked into her blue eyes, and felt her flexing biceps under his 
hands, and he could only murmer, "Yes, Bonnie..."

"Yes what?" she asked...

"Yes, you're bigger than me, stronger than me," he said, sounding a little 
angry. "Do you have to be such a bully about it?"
"Oh Richie, you love it!" she laughed. "You get hard every time I show you 
how weak you are, you know." She rolled him over in the couch, until he was 
on his back under her, handling his body easily. She was right, his cock 
swelled as she manhandled him. He maoned, and pressed his lips to her 
shoulder, kissing the cloth of her shirt.

"That's gotta go," she said and sat up to pull off her little t-shirt. "My 
big sister says this is second base, Richie, where we take our shirts off. I 
think I want to get to second base first." She reached down and grabbed the 
bottom of his long-sleeved t-shirt, pulling it up over his head. She pulled 
the sleeves off his arms, and looked down at his narrow white chest. She 
slid down onto him, her big hips wider than his little butt, and ran her 
hands up his chest. Her fingers pressed hard into his flesh, kneading it 
like dough, taking his soft pectorals in her hands, and then taking his 
nipples in her mouth, first one, then the other. She sucked hard, and he 
moaned, and felt a wave of humiliation - she was using him like he would a 
girl! "Hey Bonnie, guy's tits don't matter you know," he laughed, even 
though his body was electrified. "Yeah, right," she said licking, 'that's 
why your little nips are hard as pebbles, right?" She bit down hard on one 
nipple and he groaned and thrashed under her a  little. "MMmmm, how about 
that..." but she softly sucked and licked his nipples, as she kneaded his 
soft chest. She worked her way up to his throat, and murmered into his neck. 
"Ya know, for a while I dated the JV football guys, even back in Middle 
school." she licked his neck, up to his ear, and bit his earlobe, "They used 
to like to give girls hickeys, so they could tell their buddies that they'd 
been there." She kissed him, still pressing her bra against his naked chest. 
"I kinda liked it, though I figured out that I wanted to be the one making 
my little partner moan..." She sucked his neck hard, and bit down on his 
flesh, sucking and likcing, he moaned and squirmed, the bright spot of pain 
making his cock deflate, but she pressed tight, and didn't let him excape. 
"Your skin's so soft," she murmered, and bit hard again, making him squirm 
under her. "That feels good, little one... wiggle your pretty body for me."

She rolled off of him, and reached for his cock. Somewhat shrunken from the 
biting, it leaped to life under her hand. "OOoo, feel that," she cooed, 
"boing..." She kissed and licked the bruised spot on his neck, and then sat 
up, getting to her knees at the other end of the couch. "Know how to 
unfasten a bra, Richie?"

Richie was pretty exhausted. His arms felt like jelly, his tits and neck 
tingled, and he wanted to cover up his skinny torso in front of the girl he 
was so hot for. Bonnie was relaxed, on her knees at the end of the couch, 
swaying her solidly-contained chest back and forth. Richie swung around and 
crawled down the couch to her, and saw the heavy hooks that held the bra in 
the front between the cups. His hands shook a little as he pushed her heavy 
bosom aside to manipulate the hooks, She smiled down on him as he fumbled a 
little, then got it undone.

He pulled and her breasts spilled out of the bra as it parted. she took his 
hands for a moment, then shrugged the bra away. "You're the first boy to 
ever see 'em, Richie," she said sweetly. "None of those big goons were ever 
gonna." She flexed her body, arms at her sides, and her chest swelled as her 
waist hardened, her abs flexing, she said, "Touch them Richie, please..."

For a few minutes they explored the feel of his hands on her skin, the 
weight and firmness of her breasts, and the responses of her nipples. She 
crawled on top of him, and pressed her bosom over his body, tickled his 
nipple with her own, then took his nipple in her strong fingers. "Boys have 
such weak little chests, I've always thought," she said, as she brought a 
gasp from him between her fingers. Flat and thin, with such little nips... 
Not like these..." She pushed her soft breasts into Richie's face, and he 
kneaded them and found a nipple to put in his mouth. Following Bonnie's 
example, he licked and sucked hard, and she gasped and ran her fingers into 
his hair. He squeezed her flesh and sucked her nipples fora while, then, 
with a moment of mischeivousness, he bit down hard.

"OOOw" she yelled, and Richie felt her long fingers clamp down on his neck. 
She pulled his head away, and shook her finger in his face, batting his nose 
with it, saying "Bad boy," giggling, "no biting!" Richie broke down into 
laughing as well, and let his head fall back to the couch. "Don't stop, 
sweetie..." she a nipple into his mouth and he began again. He saw her snake 
a hand between her legs, to massage her denim-wrapped body. He sucked hard, 
and sucked soft, and after a few minutes she groaned in a way he'd never 
heard before, and let her weight fall onto his chest and face. She moaned, 
and pressed her chest against him, then lay there panting, her bosom 
half-smothering him. He let his hands run over her broad back, even letting 
his fingers roam a little into her pants. Her ass was so round and hard...

Bonnie expressed her delight with Richie by suggling him into her big arms 
and kissing him. "You're so lovely and strong, Bonnie," he murmured as he 
cupped her bosom. She gripped his biceps hard in her arm, kneading the soft 
flesh, and grinned, saying "and..."

"And I'm your soft little honey..."

next time: a birthday, and third base...

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