Friday, September 25, 2015

Just Too Weak, Pt 5

By Plowjack

Bonnie focused her mind and muscled her way through her fifth set of preacher curls with the fifty-pound dumbbells. She growled as she hoisted the last reps and put the weights down with a clang. She groaned a little and rubbed her left biceps. Richie, standing behind her, rubbed her shoulders and arms. She felt his slender hands squeeze her muscles and she flexed a little under them, then relaxed, letting him work into her flesh a little. She had worked her arms and shoulders to exhaustion, adding an extra set to her left arm as she worked to keep its development even with her right. Rich’s hands squeezed harder and Bonnie pumped her arm a couple of times then flexed hard, her pumped biceps rolling into stony heaps. Rich’s hand caressed her arm and she felt him kiss her neck warmly.
He said, “You’ll kick ass next week, baby. Your arms are huge!”

            Bonnie was training for the state-wide track and field championships the following weekend. Her top scores in the shot-put, discuss and javelin had helped lead the girl’s team to claim the regional champion’s trophy. Her scores topped those of many boy athletes and she was working to be even stronger by the games.

            Now Bonnie stood up from the bench and stretched. Bonnie preferred a loose grey t-shirt and shorts for her workouts but when she stretched and flexed she strained the light material, her shoulder, back and chest expansion stretching the cloth. She hit a double biceps pose and Richie saw her arms strain the cloth of her sleeves – he even heard a little ripping noise. The t-shirt rode up, exposing Bonnie’s hard, trim waist, her abs now somewhat visible. Bonnie often carried some extra padding, but she was dieting and her body had gone from cushy to being much more defined and hard.
“That t-shirt is about shot, sweetie,” Rich said, chuckling.
“Almost, ya think?” she replied, then pumped and flexed again. This time the short sleeves ripped, the seams below her arms and down her lats giving way with a tearing sound. She grinned at Richie’s amazed expression.

“Ever since I grew a little my old clothes don’t always fit,” she said, stripping off the ruined shirt to stand in a heavy sports bra and shorts. After her sixteenth birthday she had gained nearly three inches in height in a sudden growth spurt. This had forced her to train constantly to rework her throws. Her arms and legs were longer and heavier, and she needed to recalibrate her style. She was adapting well and her intense workouts had added several pounds of new muscle to her frame. As a result she was now beating her best shot-put marks and planning to beat her best in other events.

Richie took in the sight of his girlfriend with the usual mix of awe, lust and humiliation. Richie was a slight, clever kid a reader and a writer, without an athletic gene to his name. At the start of the year he had begun weight-training in an effort to be more attractive to girls. His body just didn’t gain much muscle, but he had gotten Bonnie’s attention. The pretty blonde jock had caught him alone and manhandled him, then carefully seduced and dominated him. She was vastly stronger than him, with a double-d chest and breathtaking legs and hips. Richie had grown an inch himself this spring but Bonnie’s greater growth meant that she was now within a fraction of an inch of being as tall as him.

Richie was proud to be the boyfriend of one of the school’s top athletes. Various football players came on to her regularly. Each one got denied, and Bonnie never hesitated to display her lusty preference for the slender, bookish Richie – so thin and obviously underdeveloped next to his girl. Even the other girls on the track team teased and bullied him, though Bonnie protected him from their real cruelty. All things considered Rich was so enthralled with his sweetheart that he would do anything for her.

He had proven that to himself a few weeks before when Bonnie had more or less Kidnapped and raped him with the help of her sister and mother. They had kept him naked and helpless as Bonnie had ‘trained’ him to be her… her…

Richie’s mind slowed as he gazed at his big lover. He was trying to avoid the idea that she was making him into her sex slave. She didn’t treat him like a slave – usually. But she had spanked and abused him whenever he had come without her permission. Even his girl’s mother – herself a mass of muscle – had used him as a plaything before handing him over to Bonnie with her approval. Richie’s hand strayed to his right biceps, feeling its slender softness. He felt his face go red as he remembered how weak and submissive he had been in the arms of the women.

“Hey Richie,” Bonnie’s voice broke into his thoughts, “are you with me?”
“Huh?” Richie replied, his eyes focusing on her. He thought she looked more like her sister since her growth spurt – longer and leaner, though with heavier, more thickly muscled limbs. Now she stepped around the weight bench and threw an arm around Richie’s waist, pulling him against her with a forceful slam that drove air from his lungs. He ran his hands over her skin, gently feeling the thick muscle of her back and shoulders as she pressed her lips to his. Her right arm compressed his slender chest to her huge bosom and she controlled his head with her left as she crushed his lips with hers. Her tongue invaded his mouth and she bruised his lips with her pink, soft mouth.

            Richie knew that if he started to struggle that Bonnie would just torture him and giggle. His sides were sore from the tickling she had given him the night before. So Richie did the other thing that he knew she liked – he surrendered. He let his body go limp against her felt her arm tighten, catching his weight. He kissed her back, sucking and licker her tongue. Her left hand drifted from his neck down his back to grip his ass and press his hips hard into hers. He felt her grind him against her body, pressing his chest into her broad bosom and his cock against her wide, hard hips. Richie’s cock began to swell and he heard Bonnie growl softly, which meant that she was arounsed. She pressed him harder against her and ground her hips on him. Fully erect now he ground against her in turn. She pulled away from the kiss, his mouth, moist and hot, sought to follow, but she said, “What I said, you little slut, is that I expect you to take me to the Awards dinner next month.” She ground him hard against her and kissed his eyes and cheeks.

            Richie felt like he was smashed soft in her thick arms, a feeling that now always turned him on. He gripped Bonnie’s big biceps and gasped at their pumped size.
“Jesus, Bonnie, you’re getting huge! Your biceps are like boulders!” His hand squeezed her right biceps, failing to make a dent, and his cock throbbed and twitched.

            Bonnie took him by his arms in turn and pushed him away. Her hard hands crushed Richie’s soft arms and she lifted him a little, making him stand on tip-toe and bruising his little muscles as she said, “I said that you will be taking me to the Awards dinner – won’t you?” She shook him hard and he whimpered a little as his biceps were ground between his bones and Bonnie’s fingers. He found the presence of mind to answer “Of course, Bonnie.”

            “Good,” she said, releasing him. He plastered himself against her again, throwing his arms around her neck. Richie now stood 6’2”, while Bonnie was just over 6’1” tall. With her shoulders, chest and hips so much broader and deeper than his he looked like a whisp in her grasp. Now she scooped him up in her arms, carrying him like a child.
“You’re so little and soft, sweetie,” she cooed “let’s see your big, strong cock.”

            “What?!” he cried as she sat down on a bench with him in her lap, “not here… we’re in school!” As a top athlete Bonnie had keys to get her through a side door and into the gym. The two had come after dinner for Bonnie’s workout. They had agreed to let Rich stop lifting, and maybe take up yoga since he never seemed to get much stronger. So now Rich just came with her to spot and chat and, of course, to watch Bonnie work her lovely body.

            Now Rich panicked a little as Bonnie settled him on her knee. She wrapped her long thick arm around his chest, pulling his back hard against her. His left arm was trapped as she dug into his gym shorts and extracted his hard cock.
“Bonnie, stop,” he whined, through his gasps. “someone will catch us.” He squirmed and tried to pull Bonnie’s hand away, without result, as she stroked and squeezed him to his full hardness.
“Silly boy,” she cooed, “we’re locked in here, and besides, you have nothing to be ashamed of – you have a lovely penis.”
“Bonnieee,” he whined, as she sent waves of heat through him, “please don’t.”
“Oh, you’re not going to come sweetie,” Bonnie growled in his ear as she tightly gripped the base of his shaft, “until I say you may… right?”
Rich groaned, and said, “please Bonnie”, but his efforts to escape turned into caresses of her hard, thick arms. Her forearms seemed twice the size of his and his cock twitched as he squeezed them. Bonnie sighed and pulled his back harder against her, and felt him melt into her.
“I asked you a question, boy,” she said, “you won’t come until I say you are allowed, right?” Rich was finding that place in his mind that allowed him to resist his orgasm, and he whispered, “Yes Bonnie,” as she worked his erect cock.
“Because, you know what will happen if you disobey…”
“Yes Bonnie,” he whispered.
Bonnie had been training her weakling boyfriend. In keeping with the traditions of her unusual family she was using her physical power and aggressive sexuality to make her beloved Richie into a trained sexual toy. They still had not made love with penetration, but they were intimate in every other way. Bonnie played with Richie’s slim, supple body, overwhelming him and making him wild with lust for her. He learned quickly how to please her with his body, and he would worship her muscles for as long as she would let him. But Bonnie was still training his orgasm reflex. All the girls in her family said men were just eager, helpless spurters if a woman didn’t make them learn. So Bonnie made a rule that Richie was not to come unless she gave him permission. She would invoke the rule and then work her sensual best on him with hand and mouth. She had begun on her birthday ‘retreat’ – she made him come time after time, and each time she reddened his naked little ass with a bare-handed spanking that left him weeping and humiliated. She repeated to him that a soft cock was shameful and puny – that his cock was his only claim to manhood, and that he’d better learn to use it properly. She had spanked him several times since the ‘retreat’, making sure there was nothing erotic about the painful beating. Whenever he tried hard and withheld his orgasm well, she rewarded him with her mouth, giving him permission to come and sucking him dry as he spasmed. He was now able to maintain a stony erection with intense stimulation for somewhere over 30 minutes. The most amazing and encouraging thing for Bonnie was that Richie hadn’t tried to leave her, hadn’t even really fought back. Of course he knew he could never fight physically to any purpose – he had no more than half Bonnie’s muscle – but his submissive nature just thrilled her. Her efforts to train him only seemed to deepen his devotion.

            Bonnie tightened her grip on Rich’s chest, pinning his left arm hard, and stroked his thick, veiny cock. Her left hand, still pressing his back into her bosom, pulled up his shirt and found a nipple and he felt a gentle sting that almost made him come. Bonnie played with his tit and nipple and he whimpered, then she felt his body go limp and soft, only his hips taught under her hand. She held his cock in her left hand and took his right left biceps in her right, arm crushing his chest. His hips pumped a little and he moaned, but he didn’t come.
“Mmmm… you’re getting so big and strong, Richie… 15 minutes…” she worked him hard and he moaned again and melted back against the girl’s heavy body. He bucked and whimpered, and he struggled a little in her grip – one arm restraining all his strength as she worked him. This made her giggle in his ear, and growl, “Oooo… fight me Richie… you little cock…,” she ground his left biceps in her hand, compressing his chest in her one-arm bear-hug, “So soft… 25 minutes now… your cock feels bigger than your arm, boy…”

            Richie was drifting in erotic sensation, his delight tempered with his determination and a touch of fear. His body turned to mush in Bonnie’s arms as all his attention focused on restraining his orgasm, even as her strong, warm hand commanded him to come.

            Then he felt a wave of sudden cold shock. It flowed through him, hollowing out his belly and sending shivers through his arms and legs, as he heard the click of the latch on the weight-room door.
“Crap!” Bonnie growled, but she didn’t release him. “You stay hard for me, my little boy,” she said, as she firmly grasped the root of his sinking cock. It sprang to attention as she squeezed, and she said “don’t come, bitch,” her voice hard.
“OOOhhh!” Richie nearly screamed, as he struggled in Bonnie’s arms. His legs were spread, straddled over Bonnie’s hard thighs, back pressed against her, his cock standing straight out into the air, as he began to cry and sob, but still didn’t come.
Into the room came a short, squat guy from the football team – a second-string back of some sort, named Bill Major. He was throwing off his coat, hustling into the room, keys jingling, when he slowed to a halt, his amazed face turned toward the two.
“What the galloping fuck is this?!” he said, half laughing and half gasping. He saw a boy with his cock hanging out, sitting on a girl’s lap, crying and struggling. Jesus, it was that Richie kids… and that was his dyke girlfriend!

“Just our workout, Billie,” Bonnie laughed, “or just me raping my boyfriend…”

“What a faggot,” Bill snarled at Richie, who was still unable to conceal himself, still red and hard. “you let some muscle-dyke rape you, just to get a nut?”
Bonnie slowly released Richie. She whispered, “Sit up now, boy, and tuck your dick in your pants, but don’t get too soft – I’ll be right back.” Richie scuttled back behind the bench, his cock stiff as he watched Bonnie stand up, still wearing only her heavy bra and gym shorts, socks and trainers.
“Richie doesn’t ‘let’ me do anything, Billie,” she said, stepping toward him, “I do whatever I want with him, like I would with any man.”
Billy laughed, “That’s not a man… you like little girls, and that’s a little girl – you couldn’t handle a man.”
Now Bonnie had stepped right up to him, her head some six inches above his, her huge chest taking up his space. Bill Major was a pretty tough guy, and he stood his ground and stuck out his own broad, muscular chest.
Bonnie poked a finger in one of his nipples, and said

“I could do you just like I did him, but you wouldn’t like it as much, Billie.

“The hell you could, bitch,” Billie replied and slapped Bonnie hard across the face.
In the next second Bonnie had delivered two hammer-blows to Billie’s midsection, her hard fists sinking deep into his unprepared belly, driving his face red and causing him to bend over. She stepped behind him and got her fingers under his arms. Richie saw her forearms flex, and the squat jock howled in pain as she pinched key nerves under his arms.
“You’re just a sack of shit, Billie,” Bonnie said, as she hauled the shorter boy up by his chest, and sat down backward onto a bench. She continued to press deep into the plexus under his arms, and Billie felt his arms tingle, then go numb and limp. He could barely lift them, the muscles seeming like jelly. The big girl wrapped a leg around his leg and pulled it backward, leaving him off-balance, held upright by her strength.
“Now look Richie,” she said, her voice calm, “it took me about three minutes to make a limp washrag out of this asshole. His arms will probably work again, eventually, but I like to really work on those nerves. I could have just pounded him to hamburger, of course, but that’s so messy.”
Billie was crying, now too – the idea that his arms were ruined, that this crazy girl had crippled him, filled him with terror.
“Poor little Billie – what did I say I could do?” She reached around and undid his pants, easily supporting him as his useless hands clutched at her with feeble force. She pulled out his cock, little and pink as she began to pinch and pull it.
“God you’re a tiny little thing,” she giggled, “Not like my big, strong Richie,” she was working him to erection, and her other leg wrapped and pulled his leg backward, so that he was stretched, straddling the bench, his cock in the big girl’s hand. “That puny dick will never make a woman happy, Billie – you’d better be able to use your mouth.”
In another few seconds Billie came, his cock spewing a yard and more from where he was held captive, his sobbing moans the only sound.
“Ew, Billie,” Bonnie said, disgust in her voice, “your dick is turning into a little piece of mush!” Bonnie threw the moaning boy onto the floor on his back, his shriveled member poking out of his pants. She stood over him, and slammed her huge fist into her other hand as she spoke, “Now Billie, I didn’t hurt you very much – you’ll be able to use your arms again in an hour or so. You’d better not tell anyone Billie… first, they’ll never believe a nice girl like me would do something like this, then, they might believe that you tried to hurt my little boyfriend and me, and then, we’d have to talk all about this around school. You’d like all the girls to know what your tiny dick is like, how weak you are, wouldn’t you? I didn’t think so…”

            Richie had watched his girl quickly demolish the jock. Now the thick boy was lying and sobbing, unable to lift himself with his weakened arms, as Bonnie straightened and stretched. She whirled around and flexed hard, smiling her big smile at Richie “You better still be hard, Richie!”
Rich was still hard. He was panting and he heard himself whimper softly as Bonnie stalked toward him, one huge fist slamming into her open hand.
“Oooh, I wanted to pound that little fool so hard,” Bonnie said, as she grabbed Rich by the arms and pulled him to his feet, holding him just high enough to touch his toes to the cement floor, his cock pushing out the front of his shorts. “Look at that, honey – you’re acting like a man!”
“Please Bonnie,” Richie heard himself whimper, tears starting in his eyes, “don’t hurt me – I didn’t do anything…”
Hurt you?” she laughed, “I love you Richie – you’re my perfect little pussy, with a big hard cock.” She heard the boy on the floor sputter, and frowned. “We’d better get out of here, baby,” she said.

            Bonnie swiftly gathered up her bag and the rags of the t-shirt, and she and Richie headed straight for her car. Her mother had gotten her a late-model sedan for her 16th birthday, and now Bonnie hustled Richie into the passenger seat and drove them away from the school.
“Come home with me, Richie,” she said, “I think we’re going to call in sick tomorrow”
“Call in sick?” he whined, “my mom’ll kill me”. His mother and father were generally pleased that their son had found a popular (and wealthy) girlfriend, and were giving him wide lee-way, but he shouldn’t piss them off.
“My mom will fix it, baby – you’re staying with me tonight,” she said, reaching over to cup his package in her big hand.
Richie stammered, “OK Bonnie.”
The big girl laughed and said in a silly voice “OK Bonnie,” then her hand tightened on his cock and balls as she rounded the corner to the Taylor grounds. “I didn’t ask whether you wanted to, baby.”

            She drove behind the house, and down a small drive, into the valley behind the big house. She pulled up to the ‘cabin’ that sat out of sight on the hillside. She parked the car and they both got out. Bonnie took Rich’s hand in hers, then in a smooth motion she stepped around and swung him into her arms. They both knew that carrying him was hardly a chore for the big jock, and Richie kissed and nuzzled Bonnie’s neck as she carried him up the dozen steps to the deck, and the door of the cabin. She opened the door and carried him into the room, and his heart dropped to see Judy, Bonnie’s older sister, sitting at the small dining table, with another woman. They whooped when Bonnie carried him into the room, and Judy rose to greet Bonnie.

“Never mind honey,” Bonnie growled, “we’ll see you in an hour or two.”
Bonnie carried Rich through the main room and up the stairs into the big loft bedroom, where she slammed the door behind her with a foot, then threw Richie onto the bed.
“Get your clothes off Richie, and be glad I’m not a violent girl at heart,” she said and stripped herself quickly naked. Her thick body shone with a fine sweat and she ran her hands up from the tops of her thighs over her chest, cupping her breasts. Richie was naked as well, his cock still big and firm, but not standing hard.

“Look at you, you pretty little man,” Bonnie’s voice was hard and sharp, and she was grinning wildly as she cupped her right breast and worked her nipple into a stony marble between her thumb and fingers. She walked over to the bed and sat down, and Richie draped himself over her back, taking her bosoms in his hands and pressing his mouth to her thick neck. She took his upper arm in one hand and pulled him around her, dragging him off of the bed and throwing him fairly gently onto the floor before her. He fell off the bed, giggling and thrashing, but helpless against her grip.
“Make me come, and get your big cock hard again, boy.”

            Richie planted his mouth obediently on Bonnie, and made her come. He had gotten very good at it, and could help her maintain an orgasmic state for minutes at a time with his lips and tongue. This always seemed to make Bonnie aggressive and strong, and she’d manhandle him until she let him come.
“Oooo Richie,” she moaned, now, “you’re so good with your mouth. Are you nice and hard again?” She spread her thighs to see his cock standing rigid and red in his lap. “That’s so nice, baby,” she purred, reaching down to kiss him and caress his cock, “you’ve been hard over an hour now, haven’t you…”
“Yes, Bonnie,” he muttered, as he pressed a cheek to the inside of her huge thigh.
“You were hard while you watched me beat and rape a boy, weren’t you? Did that turn you on, seeing me hurt that boy?”
Richie’s face turned red, and his eyes dropped. He quietly said, “You’re so strong, Bonnie…”
“Do you want me to do that to you Richie?” she asked, grinning fiercely.
“NO!” he said, his voice small and frightened, “Please don’t hurt me, Bonnie… I’m your soft little sweetie…”
“You sure are,” she said, chuckling, “And you’re so very weak, Richie – but maybe your cock is getting strong. You stayed hard because I told you to, didn’t you?”
“Yes. Bonnie,” he said, still to shy to look up at her.
“Were you afraid to disobey, me, Richie?”
“Yes Bonnie… you’re so strong…”
“I really am, you know… Let me show you a trick.”

            Bonnie’s tricks often involved crushing or twisting Richie’s soft body like a rag, but now Bonnie reached over into the drawer of the nightstand and took out a small dildo made of clear material. She giggled and wobbled it at Richie, and said, “Little boy here isn’t nearly as big as you Richie,” then she slipped the toy into her dripping pussy. It sank in to the hilt, leaving about an inch showing.
“Now pull it out, Richie,” Bonnie said, and Richie, a puzzled frown on his face, ran his hand up her thigh and gripped the rubber in his fingers. He pulled, but the toy didn’t move. “Pull harder,” Bonnie giggled, and a fierce tug got the dildo to pull out a couple of inches. Richie could have sworn there was active pressure drawing the slim probe back into Bonnie’s warm body, and he saw Bonnie’s hips work, muscles flexing, as he failed once again to pull it out.
“There,” she said, grinning hugely, and he saw her pussy relax, opening visibly, to allow him to “my pussy is strong enough to grip that little guy, even dripping wet. See how strong I am?”
“Here, I know another trick my sister taught me – she says she’s won hundreds at frat parties with this.” Bonnie reached into the drawer again and pulled out a banana and a bowl, and a small bottle. The bottle contained oil, and Bonnie poured the oil over the banana – larger than the dildo.
“Just so you know,” she chuckled, “I don’t always keep this in the drawer,”  she said, sensuously working the oil over the fruit, then snapping off the stem and setting it in the bowl. “I’ve been planning to show you this.” The big blonde slipped the banana into her pussy, about three quarters of the way.
“You know I’ve been telling you that you have to have a hard, strong cock, baby, well see,” her muscles flexed, and the visible end of the banana split, as the soft contents pushed out. Bonnie, flexed and rolled her hips, and the fruit was slowly crushed empty, and the peel pushed out of Bonnie’s powerful pussy. She caught the mush in the bowl, and set it aside.

            Richie was amazed, and his cock twitched just from thinking about how strong and tight her flesh must be. His hand strayed to his cock, and he stood, slowly. Bonnie sat on the bed before him, her legs spread, pussy still opening and closing as she flexed her powerful hips.
“You want something, little man?” she asked, and raised her pussy toward him.
Richie made an inarticulate sound, and stepped to her. Her legs wrapped around his hips as he pressed the big head of his cock against her slit. He failed to gain entry by more than a portion of an inch. He pressed harder, and he felt Bonnie’s legs pressing against his ass. She said, “come on, Richie, use that big cock,” but he could only bend it against her, unable to press past the wet, oily lips.

            With a wiggle Bonnie flipped his cock upward, then used her legs to slam him against her, his cock slipping along her slit. He pressed down on her huge thighs, but she laughed softly at his puny efforts.
“You’re too weak to fuck me, Richie,” she laughed, “your cock couldn’t fuck me any more than it could fuck a rock – I’m too hard and strong for your weak little body”
Bonnie sat up and took Richie in her arms, legs still wrapped around his hips. With one smooth motion she lifted him and laid him on his back under her.
“Now I’m going to fuck you, Richie, swallow that big stud like a hamster in a python. You’d better stay hard until I tell you to come!”
Richie whimpered with fear and frustration, as Bonnie reached down and pointed his cock at her pussy. He saw her pussy open wide, and she slid it down over the first quarter of his member, then slowly engulfed him, until she was pressed again his hips.

“Oh Bonnie,” he sighed, and tried to thrust up into her, but her weight held him pinned. Her body was hot and wet, and he felt it working on him like a hand, squeezing and crushing, pulsing as her muscles worked. Bonnie leaned forward and kissed Richie deep and hard, pinning his feeble arms and beginning to move on him.
“Oh that feels good, baby,” she moaned, pressing her chest down onto him as she pumped, now sliding herself up and down him, every down thrust feeling like a fist gripping him. He moaned and trembled, but he rose to meet her thrusts, and she pounded his butt back onto the bed with her wide hips. Richie found the place in his mind where he would not come, and allowed his mind to drift there, as his body was engulfed by the pleasure of being fucked by his beautiful girl.
“Now you’re mine completely, little man,” she purred, as she gathered him into her arms. Her mighty thighs held her an inch off his hips as she wrapped his shoulders in her arms and lifted him, crushing his chest against her bosom. “Mmm,” she cooed, “you’re so soft.” She slowly raised herself, lifting his upper body easily, her waist smoothly bearing the weight as her arms wrapped him tight and hard, arms pinned. Richie’s face was flushed, cheeks red, skin pale, eyes half-closed, lips parted as she felt him thrust upward weakly, his body limp in her arms.
“Fight me, you little dolly,” she growled, and slapped his ass hard, making his eyes spring open. Richie moaned in her arms and nuzzled her neck, but she slapped his ass hard again, and demanded, “c’mon, sweetie, you can get away, can’t you? Maybe you can get me on my back,” she rolled backward, lifting his ass and legs in the air, still bear-hugging him. She used her legs to drive him hard into her pussy, and he felt her clamp down on him with amazing strength. “Fight me hard and maybe I’ll let you come, baby,” she whispered, and he began to squirm in her arms

Richie wanted so badly to explode in his lover’s pussy – his long period of stimulation had reduced him to quivering mental jelly. He knew how much Bonnie loved it when he fought her, when she could demonstrate her total superiority. They both loved the bully game, and now Richie began to strain and writhe. He drew in a deep breath and tried to raise his arms, to break her wrapped grasp. At the same time he started to pump his hips, intending to slam his cock into her. It was useless. Bonnie giggled, and he felt her arms and legs tighten, holding him almost motionless, even as he flexed and strained against her. His cock was held tight, his hips pinned between her thighs, and he felt her pussy pulse, milking him hard.

“See,” she said,” you’re just too weak, baby,” and she easily rolled him over onto his back, once again crushing him to her bosom. She ran her hands up his back and shoulders, catching and pulling his arms over his head, holding him by his biceps. Her steel-cable fingers crushed his tiny lumps of muscle, and she began to pound his hips hard, slamming her pussy down on him. To Richie it felt like he was being trampled by horses as Bonnie’s hips pummeled his narrow body, and her big tits covered his face. His arms began to go numb as her grip cut off his circulation, her hands kneading and mashing his helpless biceps.

Suddenly Bonnie’s whole body spasmed as she came again, hard. Her pussy tightened and pulsed, her hands felt like they might break the bones in his upper arms, and she pressed his ass deep into the bed as she drew his cock deep into her. Her sweet voice sighed and choked as her first cock-orgasm rattled her body.

Richie came like a volcano, a searing hot pleasure electrifying his body, pressing him up against her and causing him to moan, his cry of pleasure and fear quivering as he pumped into her. Bonnie sighed along with him, coming again. Richie felt his cock crushed and milked by her muscular body, then felt her hips slam down hard on his, pressing him into the bed, and he felt her pussy clamp down hard on the base of his cock. Her hands released his pulped arms, and slowly raised herself over him. Rolling her abs and back until she was sitting proud and high, her bosom huge and round, shoulders back. Her hot body continued to work at his cock, and he was still fairly hard inside her, even as her powerful contractions worked him.

“You came, didn’t you,” she said, softly, her eyes half-closed as she worked her body.
“Yes, Bonnie,” he said, his voice still unsteady, the fear that he had learned to feel filling him.
“Did I tell you to come, boy?
“No, Bonnie, but…”
Bonnie’s open hand fell hard against Richie’s right cheek, and then her other hand, turning his head with a blow to his left cheek.
“Did you deserve that, boy?” she growled
“Yes, Bonnie,” he whispered, turning his face into his arm.
“Yes you did, little man, but that’s all the punishment you’ll get today. I’d have been amazed if you could have held on through me coming like that. Soon you’ll be strong enough to do it, but now you’re still just too weak, aren’t you?”
“Yes, Bonnie,” he said, looking up at her now. She was holding up her melon-sized breasts, fiddling her nipples with her thumbs. Richie saw her belly roll, and felt her pussy squeeze him hard. But she didn’t squeeze him out of her – she kept herself clamped hard. He flexed himself, and he noticed that he wasn’t even really soft – he could still push back against her muscles.
“Oh Bonnie,” he moaned.
“MMmmm… you’re not even soft, are you, you little slut,” she said. “You know what, I don’t think we’ll let you go. I think we’ll stay right here until you’re nice and hard again, so I can show you off to Judy and her little girlfriend.”

Bonnie began to work him harder with her pussy, and he did get a little softer, but she stayed on top of him and he, of course, had no chance of getting away had he wanted to.
“Three or four nice orgasms and I’ll have ground that big cock to hamburger for the night, baby,” she said, “but you’ve still got life in you for now. Here, feel this.” She flexed her right arm a few times, making her biceps ball up to softball size, and Richie caressed and squeezed it, his slender fingers unable to do anything but amuse. She leaned down over him and flexed her chest, now highly developed from her training, and the deep cut of her pecs appeared. Richie ran his hands over her thick chest, and kneaded her firm, soft breasts. His cock stiffened in her, and she rewarded him with hot kisses, as she teased his nipples with her fingers. Soon they were making out sweetly as she gathered him again into her big arms, pressing him to her, his cock hardening in her. She started to pump him a few times, and lifted herself, then pressed down on him, her pussy tight but welcoming.
“There, you’re nice and hard again. Can you stay hard if I get off of you?” she said.
Richie threw himself up and clung to her body, kissing her chest, “Please, Bonnie, let’s fuck some more, please… I just want you on me…”
“Say it right, Richie,” she teased, “say ‘please fuck me, Bonnie’ like a little pussy”
Richie blushed, even through the red of his slapped face, and bonnie took a nipple in her fingers and growled “Say it!”
“Please fuck me, Bonnie,” he said, and the look of his rosy face and soft, open lips almost made Bonnie say yes, but she climbed quickly off of him.
“No, Richie, I want to show you off to my sister,” Bonnie said, as she stuffed some tissues between her legs, “stand up, toy, and let’s see that dick.”
“Bonnie please,” Richie moaned.
“Please what?”
“Please don’t let Judy hurt me…” he said, as he climbed out of bed and stood, head down, but his cock thick and hard. Bonnie laughed warmly, and kissed him as she led him into the cabin’s living room.

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