Saturday, September 26, 2015

Amazon Wife 2

 It must have been harder back in the 1950s and 60s. Some suited up-and-comer marries a big, corn-fed farm beauty. It never takes a woman long to figure things out, and before he knows it his pants are purely decorative.
"Honey, my thighs are much too big for your little pants"

Guys can be slower to get the idea. Yes, dude, she really is as strong as she is big; yes, that arm is rock-solid. Yes, it's obvious to everyone that she's the muscle in the outfit - try to act like you might be the brains.

But the truth is a slender little guy doesn't end up with some perfect pile of hot, shapely muscle unless he likes it, and goes after it. They probably remember that first moment, "Of course
dear - I'm twice as strong as you."

Sometimes the woman takes charge from the first. A strong woman can skip the 'courtship phase', and overwhelm a weak man - sweep him off his feet. A strong woman, acting firmly in her strength, is a force of nature that knocks men over and takes what must be taken.

Maybe old love is the best love, when everyone knows just what they like, and how to give it and get it.

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