Tuesday, March 24, 2015


by plowjack 

He watched as she cracked two more beers, poured the brown, foamy liquid 
into tall glasses, and brought them to the couch. She was about 5'9" tall, a 
big frame that supported big curves. She was  dressed in a black, body-suit 
top, tight enough to highlight her 48-D chest and show off her wide 
shoulders. Her big hips and shapely ass were wrapped in a calf-length suede 
skirt, her calves covered by cowboy boots. Her hips swiveled invitingly as 
she brought the drinks.

He knew that he was invited. They had dated for a couple of months, with 
several sleep-overs. She told him that she loved his athlete's muscles, and 
her bedroom style convinced him that she wasn't lying. She was toned and 
thick, bigger than the women he usually dated. He was excited by her 
aggressive style and attitude, but a little put off as well.

  Now they sat and sipped, and she took up the conversation they had been having.
"So, have you ever been hypnotized?" she asked again, her green eyes watching him over her beer.
"Sure," he answered, "a couple of times in a psychology course for fun. We worked on each other. Then I used it to quit smoking."
"That worked for you?" She asked.
"Yeah, it worked great!" he replied.
"Ever use it for sex?" she asked, just as bold as you please.
"What? Uh... no, what would hypnosis have to do with sex? He couldn't say that he was shocked, but he was surprised. This girl was out there!

"Haven't you heard that the greatest erogenous zone is the brain? If you 
let me hypnotize you I can promise you a night like no other."
"You gonna make me bark like a dog?" he teased.
"Only if you really want to..." she answered. She had wrapped her arms 
around his neck and her full, red lips were an inch from his as she spoke. 
He kissed her and ran his hands up her torso. He cupped her big breasts and 
thumbed her nipples, feeling their weight. He continued up, to grasp her 
shoulders and hold her arms. She was holding him tight, and he noticed that 
she had pretty well-developed muscles. He squeezed them, and felt her flex 
even harder.

He took her arms firmly in his hands and pulled her off of him. She 
struggled, and he actually had some trouble controlling her, but finally he 
held her in front of him, her arms pinned to her sides.

"I win," he said when she stopped struggling, "but you are pretty strong, 
aren't you?" He let her go, and they both stretched. When she stretched, her 
big tits rose and stood in a way that made her cock stir.

"You bet I am!" she said, and flexed her arm. A small, hard biceps was 
visible under her sleeve. She ran her hands over his arms and squeezed his 
big biceps. "It's not fair that you guys get all the muscles. I work out 
hard but I'll never get as thick as this."

He raised his eyebrows and flexed his arms under her hands. "And what would 
a sweet thing like you do with muscles like this?" he teased.

Her face became serious and her eyes locked with his. She plastered her 
body against him and rubbed her breasts on his arm. "Let me hypnotize you 
and we can find out," she said.
"What do you mean?"
"I mean that we can trade strength. I get to be stronger than you. Wouldn't 
that be fun? Wouldn't you like to be held tight in a strong woman's arms?" 
She had climbed on to him, sitting straddling his lap, facing him. "Then I 
could hold you down and make you come over and over, or I could make you beg 
me to fuck you, to let you be in me..."
"The first one sounds better, baby," he said, smiling.
"Does that mean you'll do it?" she said, her eyes bright and lips damp and 
"Well, I guess it's just a game anyway, but I suppose I'll play along," he 
said, thinking that he would certainly get some excellent sex, and that he 
could take control any time he wanted. "So, do you use a watch?" he joked. 
But she had already gotten up and kicked off her boots.

She pulled off her panty hose provocatively, the told him to take off his 
shoes, socks and belt. As he did she brought a large candle to the coffee 
table and lit it. Then she sat next to him on the couch.

She told him to watch the flame, and instructed him to breathe deeply and 
regularly. With skill and simplicity she led him into a deep trance. He sat 
motionless, his mind filled with firelight and her soft, sultry voice.

She asked him to flex his biceps, to make it as big and hard as he could. 
She ran her hand over it, and over his shoulders and chest. "You are nicely 
built, my sweet, but these muscles are just a bit too little and weak 
compared to me." She stood next to him and flexed her own muscles. She told 
him to feel the hard strength in them, and made him squeeze the huge muscles 
of her thighs and ass, the power in her own biceps. She gave suggestions 
that he would find her very strong. "Feel how hard and big my body is," she 
told him, "Your strength can never equal mine.." Then she told him to stand 
up. As he did, she knelt on the coffee table, so that she was as a full head 
taller then his 5'11" frame. She held his chin in her hand and kissed his 
lips sweetly, while running her other hand into his shirt. She began to 
knead and squeeze his pectoral muscles.

"Now relax, my dear. Feel my strong  hand on you, and let your muscles 
relax." She could feel the flesh of his chest soften, and she ran her nails 
over his nipples. She turned him around and massaged his shoulders, giving 
suggestions to relax. She gripped his biceps and squeezed. "Now relax your 
arms. Let me squeeze them... let me knead them like dough... make your arms 
as soft as butter." She got down from the table and massaged his flat belly, 
softening it, then told him to sit down again and did his legs, relaxing 
them to complete softness.

"This is how it will be for us now, my dear," she said softly, kissing his 
neck and kneading his flaccid biceps. "Your muscles will stay as soft as 
butter, as weak as milk, when you are with me. That's true, isn't it my 
"Yes," he said quietly
"What is true?"
"My muscles are as soft as butter when I'm with you."
"Flex your arm," she said, than squeezed his muscle, massaging away the 
thickening biceps, saying "So soft... so soft and sexy... Now feel your own 

He squeezed his biceps, a faint look of surprise crossing his tranced face 
as he felt its softness. "That's almost as hard as it will get. Flex hard, 
maybe it will get a little harder," she teased. He flexed like a bodybuilder 
but when she gripped his arm it was barely firm. She began pushing down on 
his arms and they gave way easily. She pushed his arms to his sides, wrapped 
her arms around him and squeezed him hard. Then she raised her right arm and 

"Feel my arm, baby," she said. He squeezed her thick biceps and caressed 
it. "Isn't it big and hard?"
"Much harder than your soft little arms..."
"Yes, much harder..."
"So I must be much stronger than you, too?"
"Yes, much stronger..."
She had again wrapped him in her arms, pinned his athletic arms to his 
sides, and was kissing him as she spoke.

"You're much too soft and weak for me. From now on you'll never be able to 
stand up to my strength." She released him and stepped back, holding up her 
hands. "Lock hands with me," she said, reaching up as he locked his fingers 
in hers.
"Let's test our strength, baby doll," she said, "Push me down if you can." 
She felt him beginning to push, but he could get only a fraction of his 
natural strength, and she held him easily. "You can push harder than 
that..." she said, and he increased his force. "Harder..." she felt herself 
beginning to strain. "There, that's the limit of your strength..." She set 
herself and held him motionless. "You're no stronger than that, no matter 
how hard you try. Come on baby, try to move me."

He seemed to strain harder, but she was able to hold him easily. Then she 
began to push back. At first his arms held fast. "Too soft... too weak..." 
she whispered, and felt him begin to give way. "Not too easy now... let's 
make it a struggle," she said, and began using all of her strength. His arms 
buckled. Soon her arms were fully extended and his wrists were bent back 
over his shoulders. He still strained, and his muscles flexed, looking as 
large and strong as ever, but unable to resist her. She bent him back 
further, and said "Say uncle, baby." He was obviously straining, and he 
frowned and said nothing. She pushed him slowly back toward the couch, then 
shoved him down onto it. She climbed into his lap and pinned his hands to 
the couch beside his shoulders. She leaned forward and kissed him, releasing 
his wrists. She ran her hands over his arms and felt them turn to butter, 
his flexed muscles vanishing again. She told him to relax, leading him 
expertly back into a deep motionless trance. As he sat quietly she gave him 
a final round of suggestions, adding a little surprise for later. As she 
spoke, she reached down and unfastened his pants, pulling out his half-erect 
cock. In moments he was fully erect in her hand. His breathing quickened 
only slightly as she spoke.

"You will sleep for a little while now," she said," and when you awaken all 
will be as we've agreed. You will feel well and rested, but you will notice 
that you feel rather weak. Your muscles will remain as soft and unflexed as 
possible in my presence, and you will never have more than half of your 
former strength. You will never be stronger than me. If I push you will give 
way, your strength no match for mine. Your body will never overpower mine in 
any way."

She continued to stroke his dick, saying, "One last thing. Your cock is 
very hard and strong, the only part of you that is. I'm going to make you 
come now, so you know that I mean you only sweet pleasure. When you wake you 
will be soft, but when you get hard again you will stay that way. You will 
not lose your erection, or come again, until I tell you to. Soft, helpless 
muscles and hard cock, that's you."

She grasped his arm, crushing his soft flesh in her hard grip, just as he 
began to come. She slid off his lap and took his cock in her mouth, sucking 
up his come until he was still. Then she sat back and gave him the command 
to lie down and sleep for awhile.

When he awoke he remembered everything about the hypnosis, and he felt 
rather embarrassed. He had played with B&D games before, even letting a girl 
tie him down, but this was weirder than that. He was proud of his strength, 
the kind of guy who flexed a little whenever someone touched his arm, and 
blushed when he thought of how soft he had let a woman feel his arm being. 
He flexed, and was pleased to find it as thick and hard as ever, though he 
did feel a little weak. Then she walked into the room.

She was wearing only her panties, and carrying a pair of 35 pound 
dumbbells, doing biceps curls as she walked. Instantly, he felt his hard arm 
shrink and collapse. He flexed and squeezed, but his arm felt like mush 
under his own hand, and even his grip on it was feeble.

Her muscles flexed and rippled, her tits swaying as she pumped. Her long 
legs were thick and muscular, her belly flat, her hips wide and solid. He 
watched her panther-like movements with awe and lust. His cock lay inert, 
and he blushed again as he remembered why. He remembered her strong hand 
crushing his soft arm as she made him come. He again rubbed his arm, and 
felt small bruises where her thumb and fingers had gripped.

She came and stood in front of him. He sat on the couch and her round 
breasts were in his face. She raised the weights again, making her biceps 

"Arms feeling a little mushy, baby?" she asked, smiling. She set the 
weights down on a corner of the couch and flexed her own arms. "Here, feel 
these!" she said, and he ran his hands up her body. He squeezed her 
rock-hard shoulders and then her pumped biceps. "Hard as stone, aren't they? 
Do you remember how strong I am, baby? How soft you were to me?" She reached 
out and stroked his arms, pushing her thumbs into his soft flesh. "That's 
because we traded strengths, remember?" She took his arms in her hands and 
pushed him back onto the couch again. "You've probably taken a woman in your 
arms and ravished her with your strength. I don't mean rape, just the 
natural softness of a woman in your big arms. Well, baby, now you're the 
soft one, and I'm going to use you, ravish you, and pleasure you at will."

He was amazed at her strength. He felt as weak as a boy as she pinned his 
arms to the couch and climbed into his lap. He flexed his muscles and tried 
seriously to push her away. He got his shoulders off the couch, but his arms 
felt like water after just a minute of effort, and he was slammed back 
against the cushions.

"I win," she said, and let him go. She sat up on her knees, straddling his 
legs, and stretched her pumped arms. He was fascinated, and leaned forward 
to kiss her biceps and shoulders. He wrapped her in his arms, and she felt 
his soft squeeze.

She took a handful of his hair in her left hand, and pulled him away from 
her. She lifted his chin with the other hand and kissed him hard, crushing 
his mouth with hers. Then she turned his head and bit down on his earlobe. 
She bit hard, and gasped and twisted under her. She bit harder and he began 
to struggle. He grabbed her wrists and tried to pull, but his muscles seemed 
underpowered, and he couldn't budge her. She bit his neck hard and he gasped 
and tried harder, feeling a little stronger, and managed to pull her hand 
away from his chin.

"Oooo... you're such a big, strong boy..." she cooed, and sat up on his 
lap, keeping one hand in his hair. She pressed her right arm forward and he 
felt his own arm move. He was using almost all his strength now, and was 
amazed as this woman overpowered him. Her hand returned to his face and 
gripped his jaw hard. "No, baby, you're not big and strong at all, are you?" 
she growled, and shook his head back and forth. "You're big and you're 
handsome, but you're not really very strong, are you?"

He grabbed her shoulders and held on, but she pushed him back. She was 
excited to find that her experiment was working well. His lovely, athletic 
body seemed unable to resist her, but she had to test the power of her 

He was pressed back against the couch, her heavy body flattening his arms. 
"You look so helpless, baby," she said, and buried her teeth in his throat. 
She bit him hard again, and said, "I'm gonna mark you up a little, sweetie, 
so everyone will know that I've had you." She nipped a third place hard, and 
kept her lips and teeth on his throat as he began to fight her. He grabbed 
her upper arms and tried to throw her off. He gripped her hard, but he felt 
her slim muscles grow hard under his hand. She felt his biceps thicken, but 
she squeezed hard, and they melted under her hands. His resistance seemed 
sincere, his hands squeezing her hard arms, but his efforts were feeble. She 
released him and looked with satisfaction at the reddening marks on his 

"Pretty boy," she said, "This is fun..." she kissed him gently on the lips, 
still holding him pinned to the couch. "You're so sweet and soft. I think 
I'll fuck you silly tonight," she purred, and wrapped her arms around his 
head bruising his soft lips with her mouth.

He was now confused and amazed. The little game had already gone further 
than he ever expected. While he still found her sexy and exciting, He was 
also now a little frightened. For the last few minutes he had been fighting 
hard, with no results. He had been trying - really trying - to get her off 
of him. His impulse was to grab her and turn the tables, pinning her under 
him until she gave in. But his muscles just didn't have the power to do the 
job. He had decided, when she was biting him, to stop the game. He meant to 
use his greater strength to control her, as he had done just an hour before. 
But it was useless. She was just so much stronger than him! He looked up at 
her, taking in her lovely face, her thick shoulders, her firm high breasts, 
and he felt himself surrender. Now he wished only to have his mouth on those 
nipples, have his cock in her pussy.

She felt the change, suddenly he wasn't struggling. His eyes were all over 
her, and she felt his soft body relax under her. His arms again went around 
hers, but he was caressing her, running his hands over her flexed biceps and 
shoulders. His hands were gentle and erotic, trailing over her shoulder to 
gently lift and squeeze her tits. She arched her back and offered her 
nipples to his mouth, and he began to suck and lick. She wrapped her arms 
around his shoulders and squeezed him hard, and felt his body be crushed in 
her grip. "So soft and sweet..." she murmured, and thrust her breasts into 
his face. She felt his cock stir beneath her, and she reached a hand down 
between them to grasp and stroke it. "Mmmm... there's the hard part", she 
said, as she brought him fully erect in her hand. He stood full and rock 
hard for her, showing no signs of fatigue.

"Come on, pretty boy, let's go to the bedroom," she purred, getting up from 
him. She took him by the wrist, clamping down hard, and pulled him toward 
his room. In the room, she helped him out of his pants and pulled off her 
panties, leaving them both naked. Holding his wrists in her two hands, she 
knelt before him and took his cock in her mouth. She applied her hot, deep 
mouth energetically. She could usually make a man come in her mouth in about 
three minutes, but her toy just moaned and quivered. "You're too weak to 
come unless I let you, boy," she crowed, as she got up and sat down on the 
bed with her legs spread, her pussy wet and wide. "Come and get it, 
sweetie..." she said.

His cock was hard and springy, and he came swiftly toward her, with it 
aiming straight for her. But she caught him by the shoulders. Her thumbs dug 
into him hard as she forced him back, then caught his hair and forced him 
quickly to his knees before her. "No, no, silly boy, I meant come and get 
it!" she pulled his face into her muff. "Start licking, sissy boy. If I come 
a few times, maybe I'll let you put your hard little cock in my big, strong 

She did. He was skilled and sweet, his hot tongue bringing her off several 
times. When she was panting and trembling, he suddenly hauled himself out of 
her grip and tried to climb on top of her. She put an arm around his neck 
and with an effort flipped him over onto the bed. "You should know better, 
my soft little sweetheart. You're the weak sister here, and I'm going to 
take you now."

She wrapped her arms around him and pulled his lips to hers. He felt 
completely helpless in her thick arms, felt them like steel bands 
imprisoning him, felt her big breasts pressed against him, and he 
surrendered to her again. She climbed onto him and pressed herself down onto 
his throbbing cock, riding him for another hour, and another orgasm, before 
she whispered in his ear, "Now you can come for me, boy. Let go and shoot 
your hot stuff into me!" He did.

In the moments following his orgasm, she returned him to trance through the 
suggestions she had placed. She told him that when they were finished for 
the evening he would sleep, and in the morning his strength would return, 
though again she left behind a surprise.

The tale of how she used her surprise, her power over him, is for another 

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